Continuing the discussion from [Voting] NBT entry gateway on Poloniex provided by @masterOfDisaster:
Please read the rest of the reasoning in the linked topic, initial post, if you don’t know what to think of it.
Proposal RIPEMD160 hash: 96f0827d48ec3d76211c9ee86514aee96e00459d
=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash starts with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=
Custodial Address: BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP
Amount Requested: 1 NBT
@masterOfDisaster - following “the operator” - will operate a NuBot on the exchange mentioned below. The liquidity is being broadcast using the custodial address to allow tracking the liquidity situation of the bot. If the gateway function is required Nu (FLOT, JordanLee) sends BTC to the exchange account deposit address. The BTC get sold and the earned NBT are not put into orders, but get transferred to a Nu address (T4 sell side) on a regular basis.
The process of selling BTC can be tracked with the getliquiditydetails
The operator charges no fee for this NBT exit / BTC entry gateway, but offers no guarantee for anything - neither the availability of NuBot nor malfunctions of NuBot nor outages of the internet access nor the funds on the exchange. The operator promises to send all (remaining) BTC and traded NBT to Nu (FLOT, JordanLee) on a regular basis or burn the NBT. The operator won’t take any of the funds or trade them.
Operator: @masterOfDisaster
Type: NuBot
Mode: Buy side only
Spread After Fees: < 1%
Duration: 60 days
Operator Fee: 0 NBT
Total Grant: 1 NBT
=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash ends with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=
Verify. Use everything between and including the <custodianhash></custodianhash> tags.
BTC address to fund account (this was the BTC entry (NBT exit) gateway / buy side, but is no longer; it’s now dual side!):
NBT address to fund account:
as the FLOT has started its operation, addresses controlled by JordanLee or FSRT will no longer be used to withdraw funds from the gateway.
Any funds that are sent to this address will be converted to NBT by NuBot and the proceeds will be withdrawn to a FLOT T4 NBT address. BTC funds that are not yet converted might be withdrawn to a FLOT T4 BTC address.
The gateway was activated on 2016-03-05:
Beginning 2016-04-20 this the operating fee of the gateway is 15 NBT/day:
The fee of 15 NBT/day applies as well, if the gatetway operation is ceased before the 45 days passed and the gateway gets activtated again.
Decommissioning of the gateway has been initiated.
The gateway is on unattended standby from now on.