There has been a theft of approximately 200 million NSR. It appears most or all of the stolen NuShares remain in possession of the thief at known addresses. This means it is possible to release a version of the Nu client that won’t accept transactions using the stolen NuShares as inputs. I have asked sigmike to do this, and here are the downloads:
It appears a majority of minting power is already on the new version. We ought to try to get the entire network on the new version for consistency.
Blocked addresses are:
NuLagoon US-NBT address BJDirPFfohpTRXTiTzw8gfZjV9qy3CRqpM is also blocked because @henry has not been heard from in quite some time, despite my attempts to contact him.
Soon I will be proposing a motion to burn the funds at the blocked US-NBT and NSR addresses. If there has been a mistake and some of these funds belong to deserving owners, they can contact myself, @jooize or bring it up here in the forum. We certainly don’t want to burn any legitimately owned NSR, and I believe the plan I am proposing will prevent that. If additional information indicates that one or more of the balances associated these addresses is legitimate, we will make a new release that doesn’t block the transfer of those funds.
I have contacted Poloniex about this to ensure that none of the addresses belong to them. We certainly won’t block transactions at addresses belonging to Poloniex, even if the funds transferred to them were stolen. Poloniex has not yet replied to confirm that they don’t have any of the restricted addresses in their wallet.
My proposed actions are:
Have all clients upgrade to this patched version of 3.01 that blocks transactions from a list of addresses containing stolen funds.
Vote on a motion (yet to be crafted) that authorizes burning US-NBT and NSR at the blocked addresses.
Vote on a custodial grant (yet to be crafted) that creates NSR in the exact amount of the blocked NSR. The grant will be transferred to the proper owner of the NSR. The NSR supply remains stable, with equal quantities being burned and created.
@jooize, can you provide an OS X version soon please?
I have begun minting with 237 million NSR belonging to B&C Exchange shareholders. Doing so is in the interest of Nu, and can be expected to increase or preserve the value of NuShares. Where B&C Exchange is a major NuShare holder, it is in the interest of B&C for Nu to succeed. Therefore, I have advanced B&C Exchange interests by using the the NuShares it holds to secure the network in this circumstance. The B&C NuShares are configured to vote for park rates at the already established rates, and no motions or custodial grants are being voted for.