Please vote for 8c3VfkYUUaFWp75SiMhFasmWwmYVoWqTaT
Hi B&C Exchange’s shareholders and community members!
I would like to propose my service as a reputed signer for signing crypto-asset exchange transactions on the B&C Exchange’s blockchain.
List of planned supported crypto-assets: BKS, BKC, NSR, NBT, BTC, and more depending on the circumstances and requests from shareholders.
I plan to use a dedicated desktop to fulfill my role as a reputed signer but I can use a dedicated VPS, if needed.
Either way this will be behind Tor.
I will take 3 backups of the wallets:
1- on the hard drive of the machine running the clients
2- on an external hard drive
3- on a usb stick
This OP will be updated as I get feedback from shareholders.
As for me:
I am cryptog.
I am a shareholder of both B&C Exchange and Nu.
I have been contributing to both decentralized autonomous organizations pretty much every day since their launch.
I am also a B&C Exchange data feed provider and a Nu data feed [provider]
([NEW] Cryptog’s Nu data feeds - BETA) .
I am also a NSR/BTC/BKS FLOT member .
As a shareholder of B&C Exchange, I am one of the few public faces.
My public linkedin profile can be found here.
Based out of Tokyo, I feel very comfortable being public since the environment here is probably the most crypto friendly in the world. Therefore there is no particular reason to think that I would be more the object of targetted attacks than anonymous signers.
I run B&C Exchange Japan group on facebook and the B&C Exchange Japan twitter account .
Finally, recently I contributed to the recruitment of eleven as a senior C++ developer for B&C Exchange, via Satoshi’s collar, a recruiting service dedicated to the blockchain industry that I co-own with crypto_coiner.
So far, I believe I have built up enough trust from the B&C Exchange and Nu communities and I have shown enough dedication via my humble contributions to make me a decent reputed signer.
I am opened to any suggestions that would improve my proposal or help me prepare for being a better reputed signer before the voting process has started.
Thank you for taking the time to read through till the end!
Edit: added Tor
Edit2: added backup related info
Edit3: added info on eleven’s recruiting
Edit4: added the address