I downloaded the wallet and its not syncing, no connections, etc… I’ve downloaded the same way in the past and it synced and downloaded the just fine. Any advice or help? I’m using the Windows version.
it often takes the client a number of minutes after being started to connect to other clients
You can also add this content to your Nu.conf file in the same folder as your wallet.dat. if you don’t have the file, create it as a text file and add the following:
After that restart the wallet.
Hi, I have same issue, I’ve run the wallet but no connection for more than a day.
I’ve created the Nu.conf file and put there the node addresses you provide but still nothing.
I’m using Nu version v5.3.0 on Windows 10.
Can you help me? Thx.
I’m having the same problem. Just launched the wallet for the first time in like a year and it’s not getting any connections after sitting for quite some time (with the listed nodes added to nu.conf).
Is anyone getting connections?
I have 4 connections. Try adding them to your nu.conf file like this:
Then restart Nu.
Thanks so much! I’ve got 8 connections now.