The Bitcoin Debit NanoCard is a one of a kind next-generation payment card 2.0 you are able to use everywhere to pay for goods and services like in restaurants, bars and retail shops or online like on Amazon or withdraw cash at ATM’s worldwide using any of your cryptocurrency balance.
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I mentioned to Ronny privately that I was unsure of the will of NuShareholders for me to write an article that is tied to CCEDK. Should popular consensus be that I should write one up, I’m happy to do so.
I’ve stated that in a different thread already: I’m open for second chances.
And maybe I’m not alone with this view.
Shareholders voted for a grant that supports TLLP operation at CCEDK with a decent amount of provided liquidity.
I take this as a sign that despite things that happened (related to CCEDK) and that were by far not in the best interest of Nu, Nu is again making business with CCEDK.
Might there already be consensus of some kind expressed by that grant that CCEDK is still or again considered business partner?
I read through it quikly. Very interesting. Is it due to Denmark’s crypto-friendly regulation that allowed CCEDK to offer such crypto-backed debit card?
It looks like a very promising attempt to make using crypto easier.
Having a central party like Mastercard involved in this is for sure not what some want. Others might prefer the easy access to their crypto.
Just like using exchanges to connect fiat with crypto is currently (and until unforeseeable future) convenient, using Mastercard debit cards to access crypto funds is as well.
And this “nanocard” is another connection between crypto and the real world.
I hope NBT gets supported soon, because together with the commission-free trading of e.g. NBT/BTC it makes perfect sense to use NBT for the debit card!
…users might prefer a stable crypto currency to a volatile crypto asset - unless they are not interested in the remaining balance that is available by that debit card!
Hello @GLock yes there is a problem to connect, as the main devs operating platform of CCEDK took away the https untill certificate is activated. It’s sad to have these issues right when you are launching a campaign like this, but I am told that it is only a question of hours in the moning europe time, all will be ok again. But you are right, bad timing, what can I say, once human touch is involved sometimes these things happen.
Hello @ronny, I hope everything will be solved swifltly and without problems. And wish all the best for your campaign that could be very beneficial also for Nu.
All is up an running again, puu, now its time to start to show some interest from the Nubits side, perhaps retweet some of the tweets out there already etc, and perhaps @tomjoad will be able to have special article out with an extra emphasis on the partnership and commitment needed to make this a special CCEDK/Nubits story in coming months.
I hope to have some positive comments out there on bitcointalk, as well as perhaps on reddit an other place possible like linkedin and facebook where it is also mentioned. The success getting the message will eventually be a benefit for Nubits, provided ofcourse you feel it of interest to pursue further in terms of future talks and development as already indicated in article so far.
All the best from CCEDK
Now, SSL is back I se no reason why you cannot go out there and help bring the attention to as many people as possible.
My favourite for Nubits and CCEDK as well as Bit-x purposes is the article from
But that’s strange. It works from my side and all I have spoken with. Dont know if the kind ox explorer could have anything to say, if not yet adjuste with firefox etc. Did refresh also?
and certifiate says valid untill June 17, 2017 - Thawte
I am looking forward to the nubits debit card.
Bitcoin debit card is nice but we have seen such cards in the past with no real traction because of the volatility of bitcoin.
NuBits debit card is what needs to be done!
With the upcoming offer from CCEDK starting June hopefully to do deposits in the currencies EUR, USD and CNY with zero cost, trade pairs with zero commission and the potential of working toward a Nubits Debit NanoCard MasterCard it is really up to the Nuhareholdders if they want to be part of this, by starting to turn focus on these currency pairs. With a potential big amount in trades per month for one user the new system allows as low as 0.01 in commission as well.
could not retrieve ccedk ids, server is unreachable urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:581) (had to remove the <>)
Edit: website shows the right certificate to me, that one appears to be fixed.
@ronny Just a question regarding your article, it says:
Bitcoin will be taken from your CCEDK exchange balance directly at the time of payment. In doing so, CCEDK protects owners of their NanoCard against Bitcoin volatility.
Can you explain a bit better how a Nanocard would protect against Bitcoin volatility? Would that because you would draw only on Bitcoin payment from an USD or EUR balance on the exchange? So you are basically not holding Bitcoin unless you pay with it?
The certificate issues seem to depend on the used browser or in general whether the application or device knows the certificate of the issuer.
Firefox has an integrated certificate store, doesn’t know the issuer (Firefox version 38.0) and shows a warning.
Chrome (Version 36.0.1985.125) works flawless.
CTRL+F5 doesn’t bring a certificate from “thawte EV SSL CA - G3” to the Firefox certificate store.
Not having the signer’s certificate there causes “(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)”
edit: I updated Firefox to 38.0.5; still certificate issues…