I suppose. We could actively look for investors, or wait hoping Bitcoin’s value will fall and there to be NuBit sales replenishing our Bitcoin reserve.
If Bitcoin doesn’t fall, we have to sell more shares, right? If Bitcoin falls, we may not have to, but we better get back up as soon as possible.
How many Bitcoins do we need?
Theoretically, if nobody else sells their shares cheaply, the NuShare price would jump back up to previous levels once we’ve sold enough for liquidity restoration. 
Assuming Nu regains liquidity and begins keeping larger reserves (or otherwise improves the issue), then NuShares at moments such as this may become seen as the investment opportunity we believe it to be.
NuShare sales in combination with buybacks should work a lot better when demand is where I believe it should be, by how I value Nu. Have we been in this bad a situation before? I imagine our current lack of liquidity doesn’t make us attractive to invest in while we also continue applying downward pressure on the shares they’d buy.
I don’t understand Park Rates, but it seems we should leverage them.
The price support mechanism of offering interest for funds taken out of circulation is extremely robust.
However, there are a handful of individuals who believe there is a 30% chance that NuBits will still have value in a year because they are NuShareholders and plan to implement a bold and daring plan to change the protocol to meet different needs than NuBits have in the past. These individuals would buy NuBits if there was 400% interest rate offered for one year. So it will be offered by NuShareholders and taken by the speculators, and the peg will stand at $1.00 US.
Perhaps we should pay for and advertise that Parking Your NuBits Rocks.
The concern that high rates signify a crisis and will turn people away must be taken care of if it’s an actual problem. It is a crisis, but the system seems built to be able to recover with the right measures, and it will continue to grow more sustainable.
Parking interest rates should be easy to understand. The percentages are currently confusing people.
Another presented way to increase NuBit utilisation (transaction fee revenue, and sales?) is NuLagoon’s BearBTC and BullBTC. It appears costly, and would be easier to approve with Nu in better standing, but should we pay for it anyway? I’m uncertain.
I support selling more shares. I think it’d be much appreciated if you’d perform the sale.
We need to trust and use the mechanisms we have at disposal. It doesn’t feel great to sell shares, but we committed to that and what else can we do? I need to learn more about Park Rates (Tier 5).