Not more than you still being here.[quote=“MaVo, post:7, topic:5280”]
What the heck are you defending here?
Not defending anything. The issue with having an imbalance in income and earning has always been a major issue in Nu. Nothing changes since 2 years ago. Not saying it is great, but we knew this from the beginning.
@cybnate, people have a right to know how much @jooize is draining from Nu per month, B&C shareholders included. And if nobody is allowed to know except for @jooize and @Phoenix, then everybody should finally understand that this whole project is a large pile of shit. —> decentralization…
Let’s see if they agree.
Jordan, you can’t fool everybody btw, want to buy my BKS? I’ll give them to you for $0.80 if you like.
I d support a motion that fully discloses how much each paid contributor gets paid.
Nu needs to stop secrecy here.
I’m not going to begin disclosing information previously gathered under confidence of confidentiality regardless of motion. Shareholders are free to fire me. I will never provide such data. You can bring a motion requiring more detail going forward and see if contractors agree to those terms. It might cause some to take more care in staying anonymous.
Since February I have been listing payments publicly.
Roughly 45,000 dollars for April and May alone mostly for contractors. Wow. 45,000 dollars and the dev fund of B&C shareholders is zero because of a “mistake”. Fuck you you piece of shit.
And the worst thing is that you piece of shit keep cashing in as well.
Have fun making Nu big! Nobody will ever put trust in this scam project. And you aren’t really interested in that since you are making your cash anyway.
So are shareholders not even allowed to know what those dollars have been spent on? Like what it is that they actually paid for?
@sigmike are you among those contractors who deny any information about their payments to be disclosed to shareholders? Almost 45,000 dollars have been spent for contractors within two months time. Did you cash in the lion share of that money?
I see. That s better than nothing. For the next contractors, I d like to see the exact numbers for each individual.
@MaVo, what is the point of sticking around here? I have sold all my NSR and BKS and have moved on, but you’re still here allowing this project and the people in it to cause you stress. It’s over and there’s nothing we can do to get our money back. Why don’t we all just move on? I have settled back into the Peercoin community. You’re welcome to join me. There’s lots of great things going on at the moment. But staying here arguing with these guys over and over again about the same thing is going to drive you insane. In my opinion, it would be best to accept what happened and move on.
I am among the contractors listed in this file for about 1k USD.
@sigmike I appreciate your response. @jooize, roughly 45,000 dollars have been paid to contractors during April and May alone. Is it possible to get some more information about that? @Cybnate, interested in knowing a little bit more about that? There were four payments within four weeks which all were around 8 - 9 k USD. What kind of work were those payments for?
I can only guess to that as much as you can. I’m not handing out work or grants on behalf of Nu to anyone, neither being paid in any form or means other than the benefits (if any) of my own shareholdings. I would only do that when there is a public contract as I have done in the past for NuDroid.
My observation: in the last few weeks we have seen work around NuBot (look at the repo), we had an announcement about liquidity charts and some work on the blockexplorer and the work Sigmike has done on the client. Also had the handover of the forum which took some work. This beside the liquidity operations and operational expenses for websites, domanins, certs etc. Given the amount of 45k I hope there is an explanations for the gap. Possibly some future announcement on a piece of infra or backpay?
that is negligible.
@sigmike is even talking about the whole file. To be honest, @sigmike was the only one I expected to perhaps have earned most of the money paid out to contractors. Now he only got a tiny fraction of all expenses, hmm…
True, @woolly_sammoth is left, but four payments totaling around 32k USD in 4 - 5 weeks? Congrats to those who are still earning a lot of money with this project, well played. And the only capable developer we have, namely @sigmike who is publicly known, earned 1k USD within the whole time frame from the list. Keep it going guys, I am impressed.
Morning All,
I can’t pretend that 32k wouldn’t have been useful but I can only claim $7260 of the contractor payments since November Last year.
That has covered NuBot development (mainly new currency support), NuBot operation at Cryptopia, The forum migration and upkeep (as mentioned by @Cybnate), The installation and upkeep of a B&C block-explorer, improvement of the Nu block explorer code and submission of a pull request to have those improvements merged into the main branch, development of a new block parser/explorer to act as the basis of auxiliary services for both Nu and B&C. Development of the charts and tables previously posted (with more to come).
Thanks for being transparent about your payments and contributions @woolly_sammoth.
So that means $7260 since November last year for @woolly_sammoth. Well, that probably leaves us with most of the 45k USD just during the last two months undeclared. @Cybnate or @woolly_sammoth, are there people coming to your mind that could have worked so much just within two months time to justify 45k USD? I mean, @sigmike and @woolly_sammoth, both of whom I considered the most expensive contributors (not saying that your services aren’t valuable!) can be crossed of the list for now. Who is left?
2017-04-26 0.50000000 BTC
List NSR at YoBit
@jooize you listed a 0.5 BTC payment for the listing of NSR at Yobit. I can’t find NSR there. What is the issue? That listing was promised per payment about two months ago. Who has the money now?
Edit: So there are roughly 20k USD expenses for May. @woolly_sammoth would you be willing to disclose how much you account for just during May? I mean, someone must have received the money, no doubt about that, right? Who are those people if it’s not @sigmike and @woolly_sammoth? Anyone else interested in knowing that?
Apologies, I need to make a slight adjustment to the figures in my last post. I was looking at records of how much funds I got from sales rather than the amounts I invoiced.
Looking at the amounts I invoiced, the figure since November 2016 goes up to $9522.50
The figure for May alone is $3315
I wouldn’t like to speculate about other funds listed in the invoices provided by @jooize. I don’t have access to any information that would give me a clue to what those payments were for or who they were to so it would be purely speculation. I would like to say that I appreciate @jooize not disclosing the information about contractors payments and leaving it to those of us who want to to disclose it ourselves instead. This is a public forum and that could be sensitive and personal information. I agree that it should be made available to shareholders but I would want that to be in a way that doesn’t post it here necessarily. It’s a tough issue to solve (another one for the list) but I think the decision was the right one. I do hope that more contractors will post their earnings in the light of transparency.