I can’t get the assistant bot to respond.
@assistant block count.
I’m trying to hash the nbt burn motion. Can someone help me do that without the assistant?
try http://www.timestampgenerator.com/tools/ripemd160-generator/ or any ripemd160 generator you can find on old wise google.
Sorry. Assistant was sleeping and my guard script failed for some reason. Should be back up now though.
There was a forum post indicating that the last forum software update caused this.
You could use Daology instead.
If you’re using Linux you could also pass the raw text to this command:
<hash text> | openssl ripemd160
Thanks guys. I used http://hash.online-convert.com/ripemd160-generator
in below grant
[Passed] Motion Dual side Nubot gateway in Poloniex @zoro - term 2
I hope i am ok
Cannot get the assistant bot to hash a motion here either
Now it is working. I just got my grant hash
It is – thanks!
temporarily. still getting occasiobnal errors from it. need to fix those but will keep trying.
Assistant is down?
What is the script that is executed when the bot gets the “motion hash” message?