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OK!!! :smile: the light just came on, again, thank you for your patience

I will get off here for a bit to use what I ve learned

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Well I am making a lot of head way but I am not doing something right on my conf. file I keep getting the following error message:
Error: You must set rpcpassword= in the Peercoin configuration file:
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.

any ideas ?

Try this: Instructions for how to set up your connection between Peer(coin/unity) and Nu

You need to create a conf file for peercoin like you did for Nu. I donā€™t remember what they name their conf file but it goes in the ppcoin data dir.

Iā€™ve been a long time holder of NBT/NSR/PPC but have not actively participated in the community. My Nubits are parked and my NSR is staking. I am subscribed to a datafeed but I am not sure if I am correctly utilizing the voting mechanism. I certainly do not feel that I am making informed votes if my votes are even being counted. Here is my question:

Must I actually click on any of the proposals in the wallet that the datafeed provides or are my votes automated by simply subcribing to the feed? Iā€™ve been holding NSR for quite awhile and theyā€™ve lost a considerable amount of value since I purchased themā€¦but, Iā€™m not sure if I am responsibly voting with the datafeedā€¦This is the feed I am subscribed to: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cybnate/NuNet-datafeed/master/Cybnate-datafeed.json

Welcome to the forum!

No, you donā€™t have to do anything else.

Yes, we have all been through that shock. It appears that there is an issue with sustainable profits offsetting the relatively high costs of maintaining the peg. I recommend you read up a bit on the forum to form an opinion. It is not easy to summarise in two sentences what happened and still happening.

It is currently the only active public feed. Due to the recent events the other public feeds appear to be no longer maintained.

Whether it is the right feed I canā€™t tell you, Iā€™m biased. My feed still votes for two proposals:

  1. An overarching proposal which asks for a better source of income before establishing the peg (8688xxx)
  2. A proposal submitted by myself which restores the peg including a in my eyes viable business model going forward (31c11xxx).

Recent events have led a single actor to grab all the power with a competing proposal by apparently having the majority of shareholders behind them or worse some think that they actually control the majority of all shares. They are trying to establish the peg by creating and selling large amounts of shares on the market and by auction in an attempt to generate enough money to establish the peg which has been lost for over a month now. Although not great, that is not creating the differences between shareholders, it is the lack of an sustainable business model going forward.

As said, please read-up the proposal and the discussions yourself to form an opinion.

Sorry for the delay but I will update my feeds. :slight_smile: