Right! The BTC are on T2, meaning not on order:
nud getliquiditydetails B | grep 0.4.1_1461633925015_927d93 -A 2
"1:NBTBTC:bter:0.4.1_1461633925015_927d93" : {
"buy" : 0.0,
"sell" : 500.0
"2:NBTBTC:bter:0.4.1_1461633925015_927d93" : {
"buy" : 212.73,
"sell" : 1315.1109
1 Like
May 4, 2016, 3:55am
nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
"buy" : 225.81,
"sell" : 1795.9565
May 7, 2016, 11:57pm
sorry,out of home few days.
have restart nubot for now.
nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSL
“buy” : 1118.82,
“sell” : 955.2467
1 Like
May 9, 2016, 2:24pm
withdraw 2.4196 BTC to FLOT , txid:0d4727ed3b366c39cea82bcece7e6a63aa57db372628624aba5d9762f2bc5723
nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
"buy" : 0.09,
"sell" : 955.2467
May 10, 2016, 12:32am
@masterOfDisaster should i have to restart nubot after the order have been traded ?
May 10, 2016, 2:16am
but the liquidityinfo not change
May 12, 2016, 1:26am
withdraw 1.070915 BTC to FLOT , txid:865f45824ed25753a38ff167b722f97d9193fa183dbfc48e11fd06e70152dc09
nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
"buy" : 0.27,
"sell" : 455.2467
To get an overview:
That means you sold 1,545 NBT for 3.490515 BTC at an average BTC price of 442.62 NBT.
I’m going to prepare a FLOT deposit to your bter account as soon as Cointoolkit works for me (blockexplorer.nu isn’t down, but it’s not working ; will try later).
Thank you for your services.
1 Like
1 Like
You picked a UTXO manually, right?
It lacks the tx fee. I’ll create a new one.
I’ve found out what went wrong with my previous attempt: noscript blocked a yahoo url that wasn’t on cointoolkit the last time I used it…
May 12, 2016, 6:48am
as a notice , the withdraw fee of BTC at BTER.COM change to 0.5%+0.0006
May 12, 2016, 2:06pm
got 1560.45(1545+1%deposit bonus )NBT and placed sell order, waiting for the update of liquidityinfo
Did you place the orders manually via bter website?
Or did you restart NuBot to make it place the funds?
May 12, 2016, 2:23pm
order place by nubot.
but not update the liquidityinfo , will have a restart
nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
"buy" : 0.28,
"sell" : 2015.6967
May 14, 2016, 12:52am
Type Balance In Orders Total
BTC 0.000476 0.000000 0.000476
NuBits NBT 15.696655 2,000.000000 2,015.696655