[Sell Side]Bter.com @huafei

order place by nubot.

but not update the liquidityinfo , will have a restart


nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
        "BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD" : {
            "buy" : 0.28,
            "sell" : 2015.6967

:thumbsup: Confirmed!

Type Balance In Orders Total

BTC 0.000476 0.000000 0.000476

NuBits NBT 15.696655 2,000.000000 2,015.696655

restart nubot after an API ERROR

nud getliquidityinfo B |grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
        "BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD" : {
            "buy" : 0.28,
            "sell" : 2015.6967

@JordanLee bter.com have update their SSL , can you update the nubot_keystore.jks

02:47:14.981 [checkNud] INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask:37]
02:47:35.309 [main] ERROR - java.net.UnknownHostException: data.bter.com: unknown error [c.n.n.t.w.BterWrapper:1038]
02:47:42.826 [main] ERROR - javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target [c.n.n.t.w.BterWrapper:1038]
02:47:42.833 [main] ERROR - could not launch bot com.nubits.nubot.bot.NuBotRunException: Problems while validating communication with exchange : [ ApiError [4 : Null Return] ] [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch:173]

nubot stop for now

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Another one for you, @desrever :wink:

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I think bter has been down for some hours now.

update the cdn too , will take some time

Time to consider terminating Nu funded operations at bter?
ā€¦just in case bter comes backā€¦

it can load smoothly at my side with SS proxy,

they tell me they have a update of CDN .

i will withdraw all Nu fund if FLOT member want me to do it.

This operation is based on a grant.
Iā€™m on the fence whether FLOT should have the discretion to terminate or at least pause it.

On the one hand this might be an advantage of having FLOT, being more agile than motions and grants - after all the question whether to withdraw funds is related to liquidity.
On the other hand it can be questioned whether FLOT is acting in the best interest of the shareholders halting this operation.

@cryptog, @Dhume, @dysconnect, @jooize, @mhps, @ttutdxh, @woodstockmerkle what do you think?

I recommend to act first (ask huafei to withdraw the funds until thereā€™s more information) and discuss later, or make a motion to determine the will of the shareholders.
Nu funds are at stake!

Iā€™m on the fence with this, I feel exposure to Chinese markets are a good thing for Nu but Iā€™m not very fond of Bter their site feels outdated and shaky. I donā€™t feel comfortable trading personal funds on their exchange and quite frankly am glad we stopped doing NSR buybacks on them. But maybe Iā€™m overzealous and spoiled by using ā€œfancierā€ exchanges with better UIā€™s.

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I have no problem with the look and feel, but Iā€™m worried about the funds there.
Bter already owes Nu some money since February 2015. Iā€™m on mobile and donā€™t want to dig for that information.
I donā€™t want to add two more grand to itā€¦

But it looks like itā€™s only a DNS issue, which does limit the users to those with chinese DNS.

Iā€™d still like to continue the discussion amongst FLOT members how to treat such a situation.
It might be worthwhile to have this discussion split from this thread - to keep this thread free from it and to prevent burying it here.

Dousnt CCEDK also still owe Nu like 20k usd?

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Even more than 20k:

Do we have a Nu funded operation there?
Iā€™m only aware of ALP (which will soon have an extended break).

Wow, thats quitte a hefty debt are we gaining interest or?

Please visit that other thread, which Iā€™ve linked :wink:

I hope ronny starts moving and even more important: paying (the rest of the debt).

I have an idea how to provide him with an incentive if getting the debt paid isnā€™t enough.
That idea might require some work, but could once more show that a DAO has a lot of features of a corporation after all :smiley:

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I donā€™'t see a strong enough reason to terminate bter operation. bter has been not reliable. but that is life is cryptosphere.

Youā€™d think a public business like CCEDK 100% reliant on customers (traders) would have incentive enough to keep their reputation the utmost cleanest as possible. Not paying your (long overdue) debts wouldnā€™t be very good publicity Iā€™d imagine.

I donā€™t see that reason either, after it started looking like related to DNS only.
But what should we (FLOT, the LP) do, if it werenā€™t only related to DNS?

I donā€™t have slinging mud in mind when I speak about an incentive for ronny to pay the debts back :wink: