Peercoin 4th Anniversary Celebration! (Audio Recording Released)

For those who need a break from the disappointment here, come party with us. It’s Peercoin’s 4th anniversary! We’ve got a bunch of events scheduled, including a radio show…

There is also a brand new CoinDesk interview with Sunny King and the rest of the Peercoin team. Yes, I said team, not just Sunny by himself. An actual team of supporters/developers have been building up around Peercoin lately, which include people like peerchemist, hrobeers and Saeveritt. There are a lot of projects currently being worked on. You can read more in the interview here…


Just in case you guys didn’t get a chance to listen to the interviews on Beyond Bitcoin, the first part with our developer hrobeers where he talks about PeerAssets is here…

The 2nd birthday portion with me, Chronos and others is here…

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