[Passed] Proposal for creation of macosx builds

How do other development teams tackle that?
Are there no deterministic builds for MacOS, which can be verified, at other cryptocurrencies?
How is https://bitcoin.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.12.1/bitcoin-0.12.1-osx.dmg being made?
Or do others just not care?
Sorry for those maybe silly questions, I just wonder…

bitcoin has done the work to setup macosx builds through gitian, we have not yet.

Ah, ok!
So MacOSX builds can be done through gitian.
It’s good to know that, because this could be a road to follow.

@backpacker, can you imagine supporting the setup of such a build system?
That might be “a little bit” more costly than what you are currently offering, but I think it’s required, if Nu wants to produce high quality builds.
As both Nu and Blocks&Chains Exchange profit from that, the might share the costs.

Is there a reason I’m not seeing this grant in NuExplorer so I can see the voting percentage? Is the explorer broken again?



The last block on http://blockexplorer.nu is from 3 days ago.

If you have access to your Nu daemon on your Linux computer you can track the status with:

nud getcustodianvotes | grep BACKPAcVxFXfRXCmUBFWZjcAw79ZyJAAUA -A 5
        "400.00" : {
            "blocks" : 359,
            "block_percentage" : 3.59,
            "sharedays" : 610778420,
            "shareday_percentage" : 10.84650367

I’ll check this gitian business more closely on the weekend, i’ll have to free up some space on my notebook first, as it needs a lot more than what I’ve got. I’ll document the setup in case it differs from available instructions.


Why not release official MacOS version now?

@JordanLee trusted builds require different process, not trusted developers. just like @sigmike said, gitian is the answer to that.

Will @woodstockmerkle be producing deterministic builds, so his builds can be reliably verified like @sigmike mentioned? If so, then there will be no real redundancy when both of us are doing it, as process of producing sound builds requires more than one person running the process independently to verify the build before releasing.


In that case I will add your proposal to my datafeed. Awaiting the answer…


I think it is nice to get macosx builds on a regular basis if someone can verify the integrity of them, which seems to be the case in this proposal.


Grant passed today, thank you all who took time to participate and vote for this proposal!

I’ve also made some progress with learning about gitian, it turns out you can build macosx compatible binaries on linux using cross compilation tools! I’ve successfully built most up to date bitcoin qt client and it works, it is deterministic and signatures of result match everywhere provided inputs are the same.

Some serious refactoring of gitian descriptors would have to take place to be manageable, but in the end we would be able to use same build infrastructure for generation of windows, linux and macosx clients.


I’m very glad that you joined this community - and that this grant passed!

1 Like

I find these DAOs very interesting and it does look like new ground is being broken, so I could not pass this one by without getting involved somewhat. Hopefully my efforts will increase shareholder value.


They already did…
…thank you so much for aiding the cause!
After all it’s not only about shareholder value - it’s about trying to change bits and pieces of the world!

macosx build of B&C Exchange v5.0.1: https://rbfi.io/dl.php?key=/hEYk/bcexchange.dmg
sha256: ef3b3fe9924ec9e3d505ec0f6c922ca699b049400d745e8e269006b67c7c2654


macosx build of Aegeas v1.0 https://rbfi.io/dl.php?key=/9wJR/augeas.dmg

sha256: 24553d2b1232402311aebea7e5caf8b790519ad153c035b19fb6515bbf0e2852


macosx build of Nu v3.0.0 https://rbfi.io/dl.php?key=/sAjR/Nu-Qt.dmg

sha256: 3520f6203c042e5fa8c2d07102b974821ed1a3b4f5f1c991db4efed400258263


macosx build of Nu v3.0.1 https://rbfi.io/dl.php?key=/WH1y/Nu-Qt.dmg1

sha256: d721889cc1988c8058e150ab9730333a54687db27ba4a9d69c388d8234799205


contract is running out in less than 3 weeks, I’ll make a proposal for 6 months extension.