[Passed] 30,000,000 CNNBT for Liquidity Operations

Asset: CNNBT
Address: YxAe6GeUtdZ9dNnEWmZdCxsDvUMZdHsbbW
Amount: 30000000

Liquidity Operations suggests creating 30M CNNBT in multisig to enable rapid response to an increase in demand. That corresponds to ~4.7M USD in value. The singlesig grant of 5M is expected to pass in protocol shortly (awaiting SDD).

SouthXchange listing is pending. Until we have professional marketing, those proficient in the language are encouraged to apply for Chinese NuBits at exchanges. We’re able to pay a reasonable listing fee, and may offer a reward for acquiring a listing if you CC liquidity@nubits.com your exchange correspondence. Message us first.


Supporting this grant.

This is a 2 of 4 multisig address, with each signer formally agreeing to abide by all applicable policies and procedures Liquidity Operations has in place.

It is a standard Liquidity Operations grant.

Obviously, I support it.


This passed