NuBits Marketing

And welcome to the forum!
Your question is answered here (and the subsequent post):

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Thank you.
So input=860clicks and output= ?(time on site, downloaded wallet, registred in forum…)

TomJoad reported this earlier here:

The first advertising period ends in the next few days, so we can make up the balance after that.
I believe we are using Google statistics for this. More details in that thread/post.

NuBits has some volume even without big BTC price swings with a remarkably stable price (charts for last month; I don’t know the time frame for which the USD rate is calculated):

bitUSD (same time frame):

coinoUSD (same time frame):

Tether (same time frame):

The only charts than can impress me are the ones of Tether. But I know nothing about the inner workings of Tether…
What about the imgur links? Why are they links?Weren’t they once embedded images?

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