I want to use this edit of my post to write down some of my ideas about marketing Nu.
I came to reflect on it when I recognized @Cybnate’s efforts to advertise NuDroid on /r/cryptocurrency
Maybe this creates an offspring thread.
But as it’s just some unsorted impressions it might very well be put here.
There are different ways of marketing as there are different target audiences. The following overview is by no means complete. There are a lot more facets.
This might be a considered a start.
People who stumble upon Nu searching for a stable crypto currency don’t require very much marketing. They research. They find Nu (and bitUSD, coinoUSD, Tether, soon EtherSomething). They don’t need advertisement, but good information about the inner workings of Nu if Nu wants to be understood as a perfect match for so many applications that require a stable crypto currency.
The information about price stability has been updated. That’s good.
But please show me the way to the “History of Nu”, written by @Sentinelrv.
I know it does exist, but I can’t find the link on https://nubits.com/
I’ve found it. Wasn’t easy: https://docs.nubits.com/history/
Plus the “Price Stability” link is in the header section, but not in the footer of https://nubits.com/. If people do only find the design paper with the initial design of Nu it’s no wonder that they don’t find Nu as great as it is now.
The process map hasn’t been updated after TLLP or NuLagoon were created.
Basically the process map is still correct (although the custodians have a different role now - and where are the NSR custodians?), but providing liquidity by NuLagoon and all the TLLP pools is so important.
It’s an integral part of Nu.
It needs to be shown as such.
And it’s cool. How else can you have an income with crypto currencies besides speculation?
Liquidity providing is so crypto 2.0!
People not already in touch with the topic “stable crypto currency” might be quite conservative. Still it might be an incentive to research on the matter if they find 1 NBT in their inbox on reddit, sent from nbtip.
Would be good to welcome them with appealing and up-to-date information.
What I’m trying to say (I think, because a lot of things come to my mind while I am writing this…) is:
we need a proper marketing plan.
We need up-to-date information, that can easily be found, that can easily be understood, that shows how simple and ingenious Nu is.
Maybe an “overview process map” and a “detailed process map” would make it easier? I remember how hard it was for me to understand the process map when I first saw it - and I wanted to understand it!
Imagine how easy people can get annoyed if confronted with overly (unnecessarily) complex information!
Game on to revamp the marketing!
Nu’s branding is great. The development is great. Let’s do some proper marketing!
Now that this monster edit is ended, I think it’s time to split this post to a new topic.
This topic requires serious discussion that would sidetrack and clutter this very topic here.
This post was formerly here, but I wanted to spare the mods from moving silly stuff that I write somewhere else.
I like the mods, because they are my namesakes