NuBits and

mmhh… each registered user has 1 free vote. The alternative is to buy votes for BTC 0.0002 each.
Too bad that there’s no paid vote address for NBT.
The top 10 have thousands of votes already (and only one has no BTC “voting address”):

Coin    Name        BTC address                        No. votes
XRP     Ripple      1JPnXQTsU8HJ4GqbZ7kd54v57ochiW7KMy 23578     
XMR     Monero                                         13801     
GRC     GridCoin    13FvSdnarhVWVuR6nxDDh2qHpjesJNRFxc 13399     
POP     PopularCoin 1Li2iUzhU2jycQjiDqZA7zoxoJRHnYbKNd 11750     
OC      Orangecoin  1MweQYsDcN5G7gSzdTieA7NqnT4PNC9sUq  9053    
VGC     Vegas Coin  1AFQnmStboPkgZMpb7ZCKanvywJ1LaE9pT  8279     
NYC     NewYorkCoin 1EpQuTxTSmfCZ89eJ4GWSxPstqbUYiCCfw  6756     
VOLT    Electric    1a26rPg3kmr3coZDyyc4AYKNiZHS8Hioh   6434     
NKA     Inkakoin    15fbKUsAo4JFtKfwMgqc6vfQuXPEoooeNM  5585     
PRT     Particle    1MQSC3VTbftMj3eW8FTy3mEiG8Rk36s3oX  4743     

From cryptsy:

Using the buttons below, each Cryptsy user is allowed 1 free vote per
coin. We are also accepting paid votes, which have no limit on the
number of votes you can cast. Adding new markets requires a significant
development investment for each new coin, so your paid votes will help
offset the costs and accelerate the development time.

Paid votes can be submitted using either BTC or CryptsyPoints. To vote
with BTC, simply send BTC to the deposit address listed next to the
coin(s) you wish to support. Every 0.0002 BTC sent to the respective
address received will count for 1 vote. You can click on the address
link next to any coin to view payment votes cast using BTC, which are
posted after getting 2 or more confirmations.

Maybe we could do a peer4commit (or the equivalent for nubits) when they list one?

[]Unfortunately, after checking Nu environment, they decided to not add NuBits now because they would have to code new exchanges support and they don’t have time for it now.

Do you know what exchanges they utilize? We’re getting a lot of interest from different exchanges, so we may end up on one they support fairly soon.

It’s a shame, but still thanks @Kac for pointing me to, that’s an interesting service. P.S. Dobrze widzieć rodaka na tym forum :slight_smile:

[quote=“thExit, post:25, topic:403, full:true”]P.S. Dobrze widzieć rodaka na tym forum[/quote]Cześć! Wzajemnie :smiley:

Do we have any update here?

My last information was, that they would implement NBT by the end of the year.

Beorn from ShapeShift told me, that we could expect NBT by mid-december.

He asked me whether there are any good places to get publicity once it goes live. I’m thinking of NBT/PPCs social media channels (Twitter, FB, Reddit …) anything else?



We will be spreading that info like wildfire, so I don’t think getting publicity will be a problem.

With their new service Lens, we would be able to buy anything that Bitcoin can buy. (At least online)

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Update from today: ShapeShift promises to deliver before january 1st!


Oh, it will happen :smile:

ShapeShift is a truly awesome convenient service. If you haven’t tried it, give it a spin right now, it’s super fast.

only 4 days left. getting excited!!

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Not to overload the hype train too much, but someone from has already registered an account on this forum. :smile: Eagerly waiting for their first post.


Are there plans underway to provide some liquidity to them? I noticed that liquidity is very low for some pairs.

I guess we could find out which exchange they are using and enhance the liquidity there?

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Hey guys. Check out, They added a new coin :wink:


We are very excite to have Nubits on our site! Let the exchanges begin!


What will it take to add NuShares to @ShapeShift_io ? I am dreaming of some juicy automation converting NSR to NBT via API

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