NuBippy - BIP0038 style encryption and vanity addresses

The download counter increments when I click it. I see it go up one after I go back to the main page.

When I try to use the direct link I get this:

Doh! That’s the download stats up the swanny!

Could you try again. I’ve just changed the forwarding settings as I think that was where the confusion was.
If that’s bad still

Alright, I’m now on a proper laptop and had a look.

The download link is fixed and now works from
Apologies for the confusion all round.

Any other issues, please do give me a shout

All gravy. Works for me. Thanks.

Just downloaded it from and it works great! The vanity address is a fun tool to use and very easy.

so i was wanting to make some Nu paperwallets today, and i just generated an encrypted privatekey from nubippy, then decrypted it using nubippy, then went to go import into nud. “Invalid private key”

Anything special i need to do?



I actually just tested this, and it worked fine for me. Are you sure there aren’t any extra characters in the private key you’re importing? Either at the start or at the end? You’re sure it’s the decrypted private key that you’ve pasted and not the encrypted one?

You could try l. If you have trouble importing the key from the website as well then it’s gotta be something wrong with what you’re entering.

Wow, i was right about to answer “yes to all 3”

However it seems there was something hidden at the beginning of the private key, because i stripped the beginning hidden char off the private key and now nud takes it no problem. If i just ctrl-c then paste the address into to my putty session where i am running the nud rpc command it will not accept it.

silly me, thanks!!

Maybe @woolly_sammoth could shed some light on this. I’m noticing something similar on the key/addresses I pasted into notepad.

When I pasted the private key, NSR, and NBT address into notepad it was complaining about some character encoding when I tried to save. After reopening the file after the save there was a ? character in front of all the addresses and private key.

Whatever it is, it happens with just plain old regular Bippy too, as i tried it with Peercoin shortly after and got the same result…

it’s probably due to my ignorance on bip0038 but if many people try to generate a vanity addresses that have the same very special long strings such asa “theforceisstrong” would it greately increase probability of address collision?

As far as i know bip38 is only about encryption and has nothing to do with vanity addresses…

I don’t know a whole lot about vanity addresses, but from what i think i know, the string you specified would never be generated or it would take a very very long time, it’s too long. As well it may break the address checksum and not be possible at all (not sure on that) but its a fairly long string and i think it would have too…

It does not greatly increase the probability of a collision, the probability remains the same. Ie: to get one address containing that string would be nearly impossible, then to get 2 that contain it, would be even more impossible, then to hit the exact same address is all but totally impossible. The energy of a million suns for a million years kind of impossible…

Is creating a vanity address a random process? Will two persons looking for the same string in a vanity address get totally different addresses? Because different seed is used?

My understanding is yes they will. All you are doing is bruteforcing a key a ton of times to find something that matches the pattern you are looking for… Still completely random.

Hi everyone. Sorry about the issues with the hidden bytes at the beginning of the private keys / addresses. Im not entirely sure what that could be. Is it only there when pasting from Bippy/NuBippy into notepad and then on or directly from bippy?
Also is this happening on all operating systems or just windows? If it’s just windows, my guess would be that this is setting to so with the way that Windows handles line breaks differently. Just a guess though.
I’ll look into this when I get a chance and push an update.
With regards the randomness of vanity addresses. Each address that is generated is as random as any other. All the vanitygen function does is generate addresses until one is found that matches the requested pattern. I’m pretty sure that there will be a mathematically increased likelihood of a collision if two people search for the same pattern but, when it comes to the maths of numbers in the 2^256 range, that increase will be so small as to be insignificant.

Thanks for the explanation. So an ASIC farm might be needed to have theforceisstrong .

@woolly_sammoth, is this possible? Ive got ~300 GH/s in ASICs sitting idle. If NuBippy could be configured to access that hardware…

i think vanitygen can be sped up using gpu’s but the double run sha256 that asics do isn’t suitable…