Nu 2.1.0 has been released [do not upgrade yet, see latest posts]

This release seems to have created that bug, so… @nuclits point is valid.

I’m a bit surprised that user input is handled that careless.

Discovering two bugs that can crash nu using nothing but user input (within 7 days) doesn’t necessarily raise confidence.

This release was started before these problems were reported. If these problems are blocking for you then you must keep using 2.0.x until we fix them. This is not a mandatory upgrade so you can use the previous version for now. You will have to upgrade one day but all the problems should be gone by then. We decided to make all these changes in a non mandatory upgrade for this reason. The internal changes are very important and we could not verify everything.

I’ll update the first post with the known issues.


One can try to make a mountain out of a molehill…
Thank you, sigmike for shedding light on this topic and explaining why this is no showstopper.

@sigmike, maybe you should put this small message directly underneath the known issues in the op so people understand that it’s a non-mandatory upgrade and that they can keep using their older version until their specific problems have been solved in a newer version.

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Does this upgrade solve the slow updating of the block chain that some have reported? Thanks

It does not. The slower downloading is a tradeoff from the memory improvements that were implemented in 2.1.

You can see sigmikes comments on it here. We provide a bootstrap file which allows you to quickly download a large portion of the blockchain to sync. You can read more about it in the OP.

I have not been successful in an in-place upgrade on one of my machines. Platform: Windows, 64-bit, Windows 7

  • shut down Nu & backed up wallets
  • ran the installer (Windows 64 bit)
  • restarted Nu – it hangs after the splash screen “done loading”. The loading window does not repaint. No (significant) CPU usage, but log entries show connections being made.
  • killed Nu from task manager. Tried the above a few times; same result
  • decided to delete the databases (except for walletB and walletS) to force a re-download of the blockchain
  • Nu then had a ‘Runaway Exception’ when opening walletB.dat
  • I tried deleting just walletB.dat but still had the similar runaway exception.

So at this point I have rolled back to 2.0.3, and a backup of my old wallets and am re-downloading the blockchain. My addresses are seen in the UI.

On a different machine, I got stuck at the hung splash screen but after killing and restarting I was able to proceed.

As I can not get my old wallet databases to work, this is a showstopper for me. I figure there is a workaround in exporting my private keys one-by-one and re-load them in a reconstituted database, but that is not ideal and I would not expect the average user to do that.

Was there some other report of this hang on startup?

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Another user reported a similar experience, but it was due to their wallet file being corrupted. When they used a different backup file it worked fine.

Do you have any wallet backups you can try? Can you try running “repairwallet” command under 2.0.3, before upgrading to 2.1? Also if you run the program from the command line, instead of clicking the icon, it will sometimes spit out some debug info to help troubleshoot the cause. Additionally, the debug.log file in your data directory may have some information to help troubleshoot, but it appears you may have deleted that already. You would need to attempt the upgrade again to see if any information about the issue gets logged.

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I had my 32bit win7 laptop sync’ed 7 days ago to RC8. yesterdy I tried 2.1 beta and the gui froze while debug.log showed endless block map activities. in the end the client died.

today I moved away my wallets and let the client generate new empty wallets. after starting the client sync’ing has been going smoothly and gui working.

so, sync’ing your block chain with empty wallets helps. you can copy back your funded wallets after the b-chain is fully downloaded, when the client is not running.

Alright. There’s clearly an issue here. This was reported in the testing thread but not everyone mentioned it, and I wasn’t able to reproduce it. So it was deemed to be environmental and limited. That doesn’t appear to be the case and it looks like it could affect all users with existing wallets, or wallets that meet a certain criteria. I’m not exactly sure yet until I can reproduce it… I’ve replaced 2.1.0 with 2.0.3 on the website, and I’ve added a warning to this topic title/unpinned it. We’ll figure it out.

Has anyone tried starting 2.0.3 after the failure of starting 2.1.0?

This is what I did.

Win 32 - used bootstrap to sync with new & clean wallet.
Once I completed the sync, I shut down, replaced wallets with wallet backups and started. It took longer to start up, but everything went ok.

I received ALP payments last night with the new 2.1.0 client.

Okay, thank you for that information. In any case, I made the decision to reduce exposure to 2.1 because having to go through all those extra steps is troublesome, and not representative of the kind of releases we want to deploy. I will work with the users reporting this issue and the devs to see what is causing this problem and we will resolve it.


Thank you, especially for the drive for quality.

I should be able to re-create this with some more detail, and the suggestion to run ‘repairwallet’ is appreciated. What does that command actually do?

There was no obvious error messages in the logs apart from the assertion failure around the wallet. The machine that has had trouble has both a very large wallet due to minting, as well as has had numerous unclean shutdowns due to loss-of-power. However upon restart, Nu 2.0.x always came up.

I will re-try the upgrade as time permits (and once I get a full blockchain again) and report back more detail.

I’ve uploaded 2.1.1-RC1 binaries here:


  • the initial freeze should be fixed
  • walletpassphrase doesn’t crash with large timeouts
  • you can give a negative timeout to walletpassphrase to disable relocking

As I said here Tor connection worked fine when I tried. So please try with the speficied nodes and let me know if you still have problems connecting with Tor.


Tor connection worked fine here for v2.1.1-RC1.

That seems fixed indeed.
Syncing with the block chain still takes ages :[

I’m 3 days behind and waiting more then 10 minutes now for the Qt to be synced.

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Agreed. Very slow indeed… =/