Nu 2.1.0 has been released [do not upgrade yet, see latest posts]

Tor connection worked fine here for v2.1.1-RC1.

That seems fixed indeed.
Syncing with the block chain still takes ages :[

I’m 3 days behind and waiting more then 10 minutes now for the Qt to be synced.

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Agreed. Very slow indeed… =/

About the slow downloading comments. Did you guys already see this here…

Yes, but I am not talking about initial download. My wallet was synced already.

Ok, so whatever was done to improve the memory usage slows down the syncing of the blockchain. Is it possible to make it so that these memory changes/improvements can be disabled manually just until people can sync the full blockchain and then once it’s finish, they can be enabled again? Somebody downloading Nu for the first time would manually switch off these changes so that the blockchain downloads faster. Once it’s complete and finished downloading they can then switch them back on. Hopefully that made sense. Is that even possible or does it not work that way?

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Has anyone else tried the 2.1.1 upgrade on a 2.0.3 data directory? I’d like to hear some more peoples experiences who had the hanging issue. Please make sure to make a copy of your 2.0.3 directory before attempting!

I did a complete rebuild, despite for the wallet and conf files.

Oh so you weren’t upgrading from a 2.0.3 data dir to 2.1.1?

No. Bootstrap + a lot of time.

I’m able to achieve massive increase of sync rate when I run my nud on the standard port.
I was running it on a custom port before, because I’m behind a VPN most of the time.

I actually saw my client send me = IPv6 address lines in the debug.log. Is that supported?

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Excellent suggestion!

The core problem is downloading recent blocks, not early ones.

Following to hear if that “switch” option is possible for that issue…

I would like to report an issue with all versions from RC8 2.1, 2.1, and 2.1.1.

After few hours of having the client running I have a wrong balance displayed in the overview window it jumps up in the order of millions of NBT.

This issue does not affect the actual balance and if you try to send more than what you have available in the wallet you will get a window message saying that you do not have enough funds for the transfer.

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Can you explain what process you used to upgrade to 2.1? If you run getinfo in the debug console what does it report?

For the upgrade from 2.0.3 I used the process described on the first post of this thread.

At the moment I restarted the client and in getinfo I have the same (correct) balance as in the overview window. I will check again when it will happen once more.


I’d really like that issue to “affect the actual ballance” in my case… :slightly_smiling:


Not bad at all!


I upgraded to 2.1.1 RC1 from 2.0.2, and found it taken more than three days to almost synchronize with the network (still 5 weeks behind). At first my client was reindexing the DB, but most of the three plus days been used “synchronizing with network”.

Is this expected behavior for upgrade?

The short answer is unfortunately yes. sigmike has added some remarks here on the repo about this issue. Fixing it is a high priority item.

I had the same problem with the balance once again and a quick check with getinfo shows the correct balance.

The only way to get the new correct balance displayed in the overview page of the wallet is to restart the client.

Another issue that I have with the 2.1.1 version of the wallet is that is extremely slow and freezes constantly even once the blockchain has been synced.