Immediate mandatory upgrade: Nu client version 0.5.4

Just checked - dont have any duplicate motions in my custodian vote list , nor in in my motion vote list

Just checked - YES, I’ve GOT a myriad of errors of this type:

ERROR: ProcessBlock() : duplicate proof-of-stake (COutPoint(b76d474a5e, 1), 1424710918) for block 1fcababbab328c572536d4bcbcbfb43825a34d1c8b62718969d1c8

(spanning this period: 2015-02-18 ~ 2015-02-23)

Looks serious indeed -

Other errors in minor quantity:
ERROR: ExtractVotes(): ExtractVote failed

ERROR: GetMyExternalIP() : connection to failed

can you run “repairwallet” in the console please. Also, do you know how to start the client using the -rescan parameter?


“wallet check passed” : true

would “nu.exe” -rescan work on the shortcut ?

you can just run it from a cmd prompt. C:\path\to\nu.exe -rescan


Okay. Just monitor the debug log for a little while and see if those error messages continue.

After the re-scanning, still got the duplicate proof-of-stake ERRORs appearing -

After checking I got this type of error too (ERROR: ProcessBlock() : duplicate proof-of-stake) on my 2 laptop:
1- no stake at all, no minting from 15FEB
2- stake, minting from 18FEB.

That is not concerning and only means that there are two competing forks, which happens all the time. If you continue reading the debug.log you should soon see something like “SetBestChain: new best=xxxxxx” which indicates that your wallet reorganized the chain and now uses the one with the largest stake (and “new best” will point to another block than shown in the duplicate stake error). Unfortunately the debug.log of Nu doesn’t contain a lot of information.

If you are staking on the same address from both the laptop and the PC then both will find the same block at the same time and one of the blocks will get orphaned. A difference in the system time of both machines will probably decide which of the blocks gets accepted and which one will get orphaned.

If you keep getting those duplicate stake errors and if it seems that your client is unable to find the best chain then backup your walletB.dat and walletS.dat (and maybe nu.conf) and delete the whole folder to download everything again.

My current stake is around 131kNSR - not sure how much it would take to resume minting my next block, if any.


I am not. Using the same NuBits wallet.dat file only.

I keep on getting these duplicate stake errors - Very annoying. Still not minting since 2/21.
I may want to DL the whole blockchain again

What is addr.dat used for?

addr.dat stores peer addresses that your client will try connecting to when it boots up. If you delete it your client will use the seed IP addresses hard coded in the client and it will rebuild addr.dat over time with other peers it finds.

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I just upgraded my NSR miner to 0.5.4. I noticed that it has some data feed functionality too. Are data feeds functional already?


Yes, you can use data feeds now. They were introduced in 5.3 as a beta release. We decided to skip the official release for 5.3 and moved forward with 5.4. There will be one final release before going open source after 5.4.

@Ben will be providing the OS X build and @CoinGame will be providing the RaspberryPi build. I’m hoping they can provide more information on when these will be available.