How to pair 2 wallets to get dividends?

Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall → Advanced settings → Inbound rules
Do you have any rules for ppcoin-qt.exe?
Look at this:

Nu, Peerunity and ppcoin have green check marks under private and red symbols under public.

It is difficult to me to express myself in english and write long explanations. You could try to disable temporary the blocking rules about ppcoin and nu.

It’s ok. I can try that, but on the other hand I already tried disabling the firewall completely, which didn’t seem to help. I will wait for @CoinGame or somebody to help me further. Thanks for all your help today. I really appreciate it.

I’m sorry I was not able to help you. Good luck.

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are both wallets unlocked?

nud walletpassphrase password_here 600
peercoind walletpassphrase password_here 600

not just nu? i think you can also type it in the console/debug windows

The Peercoin wallet is brand new and unencrypted, so it should already be unlocked. I’m just trying to extract the Peercoin addresses and send it to my main wallet. Nu also asks me for my wallet passphrase to unlock before attempting it. The only thing I’ve seen that could be a possibility is that port 9902 may not be open like required, since only 9901 is displayed when using the TCPview program. I don’t know much about this though and how to fix it.

this will use the port to run getinfo command by running the generic curl utility.

curl --user user:pass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getinfo"}'

(change user and pass to the ones in nu.conf. make sure you set server=1).
if it returns results in json format, your nu is working as a server as seen by other programs on the same computer.

try that with ppcoind

curl --user user:pass --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getinfo"}'

to show that it too is able to respond to rpc calls.

btw you can set rpcport=9999 in conf and above command line to see if it makes any differences. used to help me to debug.

@mhps, I’m supposed to enter the 1st one in nud and the 2nd one in ppcoind? Is that correct?

Sorry I don’t have a lot of time to read through everything in here, but let me quickly throw out some things from memory

Make sure you have the minimum requirements laid out there. rpcuser and rpcpassword are required to enable RPC access. server=1 enables the RPC server on the GUI client.

Make sure the usernames/passwords are different for each wallet. Don’t reuse the same username/password in nu.conf and ppcoin.conf.

Turn off any firewalls you have running (at least temporarily for testing purposes)

Make sure the wallets are completely unlocked. If you have them unlocked for minting then you will need to lock them walletlock then unlock them walletpassphrase "password" 99999 false to unlock it completely.

The error you’re seeing can be misleading and will sometimes show when it simply fails to connect through the RPC interface.

Neither blockchain needs to be synced.

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small idea you could try but probably wont help, run nu and ppc as administrator (if you aren’t already) i think i had some problem with running the client somewhere, and this helped me, but since you dont have a problem running the client, i dont think it will help you

no. you run both commands from the OS ( cmd on windows) command line. you have to install curl first in order to run it.