Diaspora* Nubot!

I was just thinking that [Diaspora][1] is the most social network that may appreciate a Nubot then i found this :smile: [diasporaforum.org][2] , Looks familiar?

Any way, do you think we should contact them? since there is already no other tipbots to compete with ?

They have raised a 1000$ fund to [simplify the server setup on Debian][3], may be we could grant some Nubits to contribute with as a marketing fund.

In general i think once we have enough reserve ratio it will be nice to contribute to popular open source foundations such as Diaspora and Blender with new granted Nubits
on the Winston Fund under the name of Nu.
[1]: https://diasporafoundation.org/
[2]: https://diasporaforum.org/
[3]: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/make-diaspora-installation-one-step-on-debian