I am testing on win 7.
Perhaps my issue is caused by the fact that the blockchain has not been fully downloaded on my client? Downloading it right now.
I got the same error on Linux when I tried the github link. Then I downloaded the json and put it on my localhost http server. From there the feed could be imported without error. Maybe it has something to do with github? And yes, I used the raw.githubusercontent version.
I present you with the ARM nud for 5.3. Considering ARM binary is still not an official build, and 5.3 is still in beta, please consider this build a super beta. Use at your own risk.
This still needs all the Peershares dependencies installed first.
You will have to install libcurl before using it. Running the command below should get you moving.
Is the client checking the Content-Type of the returned document? If so, a service such as http://rawgit.com/ may be helpful. Github only returns text/plain from the raw.githubusercontent.com domain.