Current volume


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You are sure you want to thurn thread to an hourly log?


The title is current volume. But i ll stop if it bothers you.
I hope your suggestion implies that you think it will reach much higher volume and i ll take it as a kind piece of advice to save me some muscular energy :smile:

i mean, you could just edit one post instead of making 100.

Yeah but it does not have the same impact. I ll post this kind of spammy posts on gitter from now on. I acknowledge it is a bit spammy. No worries.

If you’re the last one to post in a thread, editing that post bumps the thread. The impact is the same, except the organization is better.


All right tks. I ll give it a try then.

Poloniex is one of the important exchanges for ETH, NBT and BTS - most of the trading volume of the latter ones is at Poloniex and they have the highest trading volume at Poloniex.
From CMC:

The “Volume” shown at Poloniex is in BTC (that’s why I changed the CMC volume from USD to BTC as well).
1st place ETH, 2nd place NBT, 3rd place BTC at the time of writing:


Hitbtc getting 22k. Is the trade vol picking up there too?

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From what I can tell looking at my NuBot: definitely yes!
I balanced the walls yesterday, but that lasted only for a few minutes. There’s a lot of buying and selling going on.
Looking at the BTC volatility that is no wonder.


241k 5th.

We’re the top traded coin on @HitBTC after Bitcoin and Litecoin trading pairs. They are probably pretty happy with NBT today.


7th $ 76,722

You know what would be great, a volume and liquidity ticker. Could this be possible? Could we perhaps fund this development with a motion?

This has been longed for for a long time now…

EDIT: is going to be stopped soon.

no. that will endure. will be unavailable soon. It’s already redirecting to

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ALix 3 & 7 are currently around 16-17k of daily trading volume, which is quite low in comparison.

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BTCUSD is close to 430 for a week:

That could be a reason.

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