Current volume

6th highest volume. $ 80,506

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picking back up a bit. $ 38,896

$ 2,701 despite the bitcoin’s price decrease.

What are ppl using nbt for right now?

Buying BKS, hedging, a tiny bit of arbitrage. We should try to grow that last one.

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$ 6,442


B&C will boost our arbitrage numbers. Basically, people use NBT to keep the local value of BTC in-sync with our price-feed value of BTC.

i didn’t understand a word :smiley:
oh well, i’m going back to pegging!

On BCE people will buy BTC with NBT if BTC are on BCE cheaper than at other exchanges where they can sell them.
And they will sell BTC on BCE if they buy them at another exchange cheaper.
The “other exchanges” are part of the price feeds :wink:

edit: arbitrage traders will keep NBT and BTC at BCE and foreign exchanges - the transmit delay for BTC is just too big. That will require even more NBT :wink:


actually, what is happening now between exchanges? or it would be easier-simpler?

It’s the same as what’s happening now, except that B&C will use NBT solely as the fiat hedge whereas other exchanges tend to have more options than nbt for fiat hedging.

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$ 9,388

$ 46,254

EDIT: bitcoin went 1% up and you shift from 1k to 46k. Interesting.

$ 5,696

I was just thinking about the rising volume when B&C gets released and realized something. On centralized exchanges, trading is done quickly by using tokens rather than real cryptoassets. B&C will trade real cryptoassets through the various blockchains. This means that as trading volume increases for NuBits, our transaction fee will actually be more effective at eating away at the supply as people trade, correct? Or am I missing something about how this works?

Not sure about that. Buy/Sell and withdrawals orders are different.
So in my view, as long as you have not withdrawn, the assets are still in custody of the multi-sig custodians. So it is merely accounting managed by smart contracts till you actually withdraw, which is when the assets are actually moved (real trade)

Drat! I knew something was off.

$ 41,197 8th.

By the way, perfect peg at 1usd and
1 Poloniex NBT/BTC $ 29,410 $ 0.998472 77.35 % Recently
2 HitBTC NBT/BTC $ 3,366 $ 0.993579 8.85 % Recently
3 Bittrex NBT/BTC $ 2,042

HitBTC already 2nd.

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Poloniex: $21,000
Bittrex: $15,472