Right! Your account is empty, mine has a bit over 5,000, but the ALP at Poloniex seems to have some thousand NBT as well.
On the whole we see once again how unreliable the liquidity provision of ALP is - especially during times of BTC volatility when liquidity is most needed!
I wouldn’t want to rely on ALP.
I’m going to craft an NBT deposit to @zoro’s account.
I tried to create a tx using Cointoolkit, but failed:
“Unexpected error, unable to retrieve unspent outputs! Is https://blockexplorer.nu/ down?”
Just like to mention that my dual-side PyBot on Poloniex is also still available. Just for up to 2000 NBT/day due to Poloniex account limitations.
Maybe worth activating and spreading the load and the risks?
See: [Passed] Dual-side PyBot gateway on Poloniex and Bittrex
I see demand to put some NBT funds at the bot operations of @zoro and @Cybnate and provide the Tube with BTC.
A deposit of 4,000 NBT to @Cybnate’s PyBot at Poloniex has already been started.
I will craft a tx to deposit 6,000 at @zoro’s NuBot at Poloniex as well.
An exchange of $10,000 BTC to NBT via NuLagoo Tube will come next.
That will change the figures to (not icluding the changes of liquidity that happened in between, of course):
This is a complex balancing and I will refer to this thread when creating the transactions to provide the FLOT members with an easy overview and the reasoning for it.
Based on ALix and the broadcast liquidity from the gateways (@zoro’s currently has issues), here’s the current liquidity overview:
I made a script that retrieves information, which is broadcast by gateways and combines it with data from ALix.
It’s ugly, quickly hacked together and has no error handling, but generated the output above:
Oops - I hadn’t thought of that before.
That will mess with my idea to calculate the total liquidity situation by adding the gateway funds to what ALix reports.
…a good reason to keep the offset of Nu gateways high enough
I’d like to know total ALIX+reported(T2+T3). It doesn’t have to be a chart, but that is the number that I think we should be using when we activate FLOT for an emergency.
Something like this to get an overview would be nice:
Of course it’s important to distinguish between data from exchanges and data that is being broadcast - the latter one isn’t necessarily as reliable as the orders on the books.
That’s excellent. Can that be all prettied up? I mean, more details would be nice to have, but just those numbers are pretty good. So If I add T2 and T3 to ALIX I get:
$97741 bid
$120675 ask
for 44.7% : 55.3%
Those are the numbers I want to see easily, without having to do a bunch of math in an excel sheet like I just did.
Okay. Otherwise I would have to filter getliquiditydetails for known gateway addresses, which would require thorough maintenance work to keep the data precise.