January 4, 2018, 3:23am
Does the creation* of those brand new USNBTs affect the proportion of those 1% BlockShares from tier 4?
Creating more USNBTs unbalances all tiers? Is it advised to refill those BKS from tier 4 and rebalance all tiers?
Request: 2000000 USNBT
Address: BGqZQzNyevJXCopAD3NtFZuPweZ3TKM76K
Liquidity Operations will at current rate soon need more USNBT to meet demand.
Request: 2000000 USNBT
Address: BLQLLcWQ668KC4saEERskiq9NoPvFrZ7wr
Recent grant is rapidly consumed. Liquidity Operations has less than 750,000 USNBT remaining.
Request: 3000000 USNBT
Address: BCWAhMFDi12JCN6d8ovyTApU9FQmg57K4h
One grant is already on its way to pass for 2,000,000 USNBT, but demand is so strong that we should prepare more.
Multisig operations continue to develop, but are not ready.
NuBits is buying equity in B&C Exchange and offers $1.80 per BKS until 1% of tier 4 reserves consist of BlockShares, with payment in USNBT or BTC. Send a message to us saying how many you’re willing to sell.
Forum: @jooize
Bitmessage: BM-2cUgGefdZffWEpZwxePWzQbuhoU95WHTbx
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January 5, 2018, 12:33am
No, only ‘backing liquidity’ counts for the proportions of reserve assets. It’s 1% of all our assets valued in USD, excluding our own issued assets (USNBT, CNNBT, NSR).
You can view the state of our asset reserve in the reserve report .