It fixes a issue that happens when downloading multiple blocks (during initial download or while catching up after being out of the network for some time). The problem happens because the difficulty has been very low at some point and that triggers an old protection against low difficulty orphan blocks. I removed the this protection because an attacker still needs a valid and unique proof of stake to reach this point so there’s no risk of being flooded.
The symptom is this message in the log:
ProcessBlock() : block with too little proof-of-stake
My full node was down for some time because of a hardware failure I didn’t see. I had to restart it from scratch and it’s still downloading the chain. I think it’s the only remaining seed full node so new clients certainly had troubles reaching other nodes.
I have a full node fully synced running 5.0.4. It’s supporting a copy of the original B&C block explorer until the newer version is ready
The newer version validates the blocks and transactions as it goes which takes longer but gives more confidence in the figures it displays, especially address balances.
Once it’s fully synced I’ll share links to it and it’s Nu counterpart. They will form the basis for other services such as web wallets and burn/park APIs. More of that to follow
If the NSR price stabilizes at or above current levels ($12 per voting NSR), I intend to support and facilitate the hire of one full time developer for B&C Exchange, at least. For the last year, we have needed to get the NSR price up to continue development on B&C Exchange. That is happening now, so as long as that persists we should begin to work actively on B&C Exchange again. I will have more details about how I propose to move forward soon. I would also like to see the NSR price either get higher or more stable before we commit to relatively long term expenses. Right now, it looks like the B&C Exchange fund is worth around $250,000. That is an amount we can do something with.
There’s a working explorer at
it uses the same code as so as features are added there they will also be applied to bc.crypto-daio.
There’s some issues around the address details page. they are on my roadmap to fix soon. for now, some patience is required in order to see the balance and transactions