B&C Exchange 5.0.1 release - upgrade before 18 July!

I agree. The fact the percentage of 2.0 votes decreased so quickly is a strong indication that the bug did happen in 4.0 too.

We lost some time but the development of the other parts continued during that time.

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here’s macosx build of v5.0.1:






I wish you’d find someone to discuss this with. It seems interesting.

I will discuss it and in fact I’ve been talking this for 18 months.

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Oh, I’ve seen you talk about it, but is there anyone else here into the idea?

There are some, but not many. l"ll try it.

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@tomjoad, I know you said that you won’t be an active participant in our current crisis and will be more of a silent observer. What do you think should be done with control of B&C’s Twitter account? We need somebody in control of it that is willing to keep it updated with the latest news. For example, we have yet to announce the newest version release on Twitter.

I run Peercoin’s Twitter and would be willing to do the same here if shareholders wanted me to. While I might not be the best at creating advertisement tweets as you do, I can at least make sure that major news announcements are posted about.

Also, it seems that B&C Exchange can find a way to go on and potentially still become successful, especially now that we realize the protocol upgrade delay was more likely due to a bug rather than apathy from shareholders. As a large shareholder in B&C, will you still be actively participating in its final development, launch and operation? I can see taking a silent observer approach with Nu, not knowing how the situation will turn out, but I think there is still hope that the B&C DAO can come out of this. Will you at least be participating in trying to finish and launch B&C?


I posted in-thread and sent @BCExchange a message on Bitcointalk to update the original post and website to reflect the release of v5.0.1. Hopefully they are still paying attention.

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How could I assure I am minting on v5.0.1? I guess after "2016-07-18 14:00:00 UTC, there will be a big competition of forks.
“2.0” : {
“blocks” : 435,
“block_percentage” : 21.75,
“switch_to_date_time” : “”
“4.0” : {
“blocks” : 452,
“block_percentage” : 22.6,
“switch_to_date_time” : “”
“5.0” : {
“blocks” : 1113,
“block_percentage” : 55.65,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-07-18 14:00:00 UTC”


Run bcexchanged getinfo. If it returns "version" : "v5.0.1-beta" then you’re minting with the 5.0.1 client and fully supports the upcoming protocol.

If you want to know whether you’re voting for the 5.0 protocol (to make sure the bug is fixed for example) you can find a block you minted by looking for the last “new block found” in debug.log. It’s followed by a line giving the hash of the block you found. Then you can run bcexchanged getblock <the hash> and in the vote section it should show "versionvote" : "5.0".


Still no version release updates to the website, main thread or Twitter account. How do we take these over so we can update them? @CoinGame @tomjoad Do we need to talk to this Angela? Who controls these accounts and how do shareholders update things?

Do we need to pass a motion of hand over the dev fund, website, twitter account to reputed signers?

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I’m not sure about the social media accounts. I may have access to them but I’d have to do some digging. The website itself is open source and anyone can submit a pull request to update it. https://github.com/BC-Exchange/bcexchange.org


“2.0” : {
“blocks” : 75,
“block_percentage” : 3.75,
“switch_to_date_time” : “”
“4.0” : {
“blocks” : 275,
“block_percentage” : 13.75,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-08-01 14:00:00 UTC”
“5.0” : {
“blocks” : 1650,
“block_percentage” : 82.5,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-07-18 14:00:00 UTC”

what does this mean?v4.0.1 forked ?@sigmike

Recently, number of connection always = 5.

There are no apathetic miners for B&C, LOL
“2.0” : {
“blocks” : 15,
“block_percentage” : 0.75,
“switch_to_date_time” : “”
“4.0” : {
“blocks” : 283,
“block_percentage” : 14.15,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-08-01 14:00:00 UTC”
“5.0” : {
“blocks” : 1702,
“block_percentage” : 85.1,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-07-18 14:00:00 UTC”

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It means the protocol “4.0 or more” reached 90%, so a switch to 4.0 would happen on August 1st. But it won’t. It’s an unusual case that was not anticipated in the RPC command.

What will happen is that the protocol will switch to 5.0 today, and then it won’t check anything about 4.0 anymore (because we will already be beyond). The RPC will probably continue to report the 4.0 switch time though.

Any user running a version below 5.0 will start to reject blocks created by 5.0 after 14:00 UTC today. If they mint they will run on an isolated chain and end up banned.


“4.0” : {
“blocks” : 278,
“block_percentage” : 13.9,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-08-01 14:00:00 UTC”
“5.0” : {
“blocks” : 1722,
“block_percentage” : 86.1,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-07-18 14:00:00 UTC”

V2.0 disappears in these 2 days, I guess some mines are not apathetic, but lazy. :slight_smile:

Less than 6 hours to mint for ‘any user’ below 5.0 :sunglasses:

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@sigmike, is there something wrong

“4.0” : {
“blocks” : 242,
“block_percentage” : 12.1,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-08-01 14:00:00 UTC”
“5.0” : {
“blocks” : 1758,
“block_percentage” : 87.9,
“switch_to_date_time” : “2016-07-19 14:00:00 UTC”

“switch_to_date_time” has moved 1 day ahead but my client reports “protocolversion” : “5.0”