[Draft] Motion to join FLOT - mhps
I would like to join the FLOT. I have been a Nu community member since the beginning and a long time Peercoin community member. I have a developer background and am comfortable with numbers. I am making this offer using @masterofDisaster’s proposal as a template, with changes from several versions that have been posted due to several factors I explain below. I am probably more risk conscious than normal community members. I don’t want to promise more than I can deliver with margin.
I often have reasonablly good access to the internet but there could be days of interrupts due to travel and holidays, when the internet is totally unavailable or only web access (port 80) from very insecure computers are available. So I put in the motion that I am available in 24 hours for 280 days a year and best effort basis for the rest of the days.
From recent discussions I gather that Tier 4 fund is possibly often used, triggered by liquidity ratios crossing certain rather high percentage threshold. It also appears that the FLOT is not expected to be a low-overhead “rubber-stamp” signers’ group that only serve as a decentralization mechanism (such as B&C signers). Instead, extensive discussions may be needed to make a decision when a proposal received by the FLOT. Frequent, continued, close attention is potentially required. (I also observed that only a few potential FLOT members participate in discussions, suggesting realistic availablity.) To set clear expectations I put it up front to limit my service to max one signing (with its required investigation, discussion and deliberation) a week, and no more than three a month. Note that the n by m signing scheme doesn’t require all members to be available all the time. FLOT will be informed of exceptions (actually not always possible in advance as it has happened before that only after you arrive at a travel destination do you find out the net service isn’t working).
I thought about asking for NSR for compensation but after discussion I think we can vist that possibility later.
Motion RIPEMD160 hash: c94cef2865a53da5dc3b92532b4dcd03775be467
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@mhps shall be one of the members of the First Liquidity Operations Team (FLOT). @mhps will coordinate with other members of FLOT, and members of FSRT if necessary, to defend the peg. @mhps promises to be a part of FLOT for at least one year and to abide by all shareholder motions governing the use of funds. @mhps
will be able to respond to any proposal for signing within 24 hours for 280 days a year, and be available on a best effort basis for the rest of the days. @mhps is able to carry out a maximum one signing a week, with its required investigation, discussion and deliberation, and no more than three a month. FLOT must be informed of exceptions. Being able to sign a request within 24 hours requires tools whithout which the response time cannot be held in case access to the internet is limited.
Compensation for @mhps will occur in 90-day cycles, for a total of 4 cycles. By the end of each cycle, a total of amount of 435 NBT shall be paid to @mhps, conditional on satisfactory performance, which shall be measured in terms of his presence, effort and contribution. @mhps reserves the right to withdraw from his service if he does not receive the full amount of compensation by the end of any cycle or by personal discretion.
The service of @mhps and the compensation cycles will commence from the passage of this motion.
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