Upcoming NBT Exchange - Liquidity providers needed [HitBTC added us]

Hi there!

@masterOfDisaster, @desrever @tomjoad how is you progress on NuBot and Liquidity providers integration?

We want to move forward to promote NuBits trading on HitBTC!


The liquidity providing at hitBTC needs to wait until NuBot 0.3.2 is released.
Current status is RC9 and I think it will be only a matter time until it’s final.
Wrapper testing seems to be quite far, but @desrever should comment on that.

My grant (which still is in status draft) would need to pass as well to contract me for providing liquidity, but I could imagine starting the liquidity providing before the voting is complete hoping that it’s in a form shareholders can vote for.


By the way. What s your view on the potential of NuBits?

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I changed

from “motion” to “grant”.

May the NSR holders vote for the grant if they want to have liquidity at hitBTC based on the conditions of the grant.

edit: regarding

It would be nice to have that flip done, before my NuBot starts providing liquidity.
The difference of BTC price between BTC/USD and BTC/NBT would be made obvious by the flip and would motivate arbitrage while the BTC price difference between BTC/USD and NBT/BTC is less obvious :wink:

You remember that I’m going to balance the buy and sell side from time to time?
I plan to do it at least each Wednesday.
@HitBTC motivate me to do it more often than once per week by flipping the pair to BTC/NBT!


If you flip the pair, coinmarketcap will stop tracking it properly. Note that when someone buys BKS with nbt it always records the nbt as being whatever the daily average is at that time.

After weekend of testing on RC9, it seems to be stable for release.

I’ll try to complete the release process of NuBot today, wait for the announcement.

Like we did for excoin, is just a matter of asking CMC to count the swapped pairs .


We are happy to see NuBot v0.3.2 is released. NuLagoon is going to use it to support hitbtc.


modPuddle is happy to join!