Upcoming NBT Exchange - Liquidity providers needed [HitBTC added us]

Yes, the way I read it - the deal isn’t for the pool operator, but for the liquidity provider.
Thus as long as there is a pool - any pool - and two people willing to provide 2 BTC worth of liquidity - and I am one. NBT could be listed.

Again this hinges upon having the bot that can interface with the apis.

The bot works fine. You should check with @willy but NuBot should be fine (nubot is the MLP software while pybot is the alp software). We could have an operator run an ALP on top of the two MLPs if we really wanted to. I’d be happy passing 2 cheap single person MLP grants in the first couple months on the exchange though.

… I guess you mean if pybot and nubot are causing problems at the same exchange pair?

I guess the question is do you forsee any issues running multiple instances of both nubot and pybot on the same pair? No problem right? Also, would you mind linking to the most recent NuBot repo?

count me in for liquidity purposes :wink:

But the bot would need to be adjusted to work with HitBTCs API.

Ah yes! true! @willy what would need to happen for us to get a HitBTC wrapper?

Someone would have to write a wrapper for alp and nubot. For ALP it currently looks like that someone will be @thecrema and it will be next when southx is completely finished and reviewed.

NuBot and pybot are running along on poloniex pretty well. More than one pybot is the usual situation with an ALP. Syncing the clients on start is one of the measures to prohibit discrepancies.

If you’re planing to run more than one alp server on one pair, I would have to tell you that this something I am not a fan of. It’s quite untested and users can easily cheat by submitting to all servers on the pool.

As for NuBot: @desrever @woolly_sammoth


definately not running multiple ALP operators. That’s not currently doable with integrity. Multiple MLPs though is a very real possibility.

We should talk to HitBTC about getting rewarded for our ALP pool. If HitBTC could enter contract with us to burn a certain amount of NBT every month that our ALP pool is successful (by most measures it tends to do very well) it would certainly draw shareholder interest. @tomjoad what’s the best way to aim for that? We might want to wait to get a wrapper going and be listed with MLPs before we try to bargain with them, but it might not be bad to reach out from the start.


I have even less experience (=0) with NuBot, but hey, others did that before and I’m sure there are some manuals and maybe even someone offering some guidance.

NuBot does run fine on a RaspberryPi(2), right?
…because I wouldn’t want to run that on a virtual server (only if RPI2 is no option).

I’d be willing to be either LP in an ALP, ALP operator if necessary or trying to get a grant passed for being NuBot operator on HitBTC (as soon as wrappers are available).
After all you best learn things if you try…
…and with BCE it will be necessary to get familiar with NuBot!

Update: The exchange is in contact with me and has confirmed that NBT has been added internally on their exchange. We’re discussing when the announcement can occur. I’ve seen some good guesses recently and hope it will be announced very soon.

It’d be best to wait until you see what the exchange is and then make a proposal.


Even if HitBTC is not the exchange that is (already) planning to include NBT it’s an interesting looking exchange.
So whether or not it will be HitBTC to list NBT next, I’ll keep an eye on it and consider getting in contact with them regarding NBT :wink:


I had problem with the wrappers (poorly documented API in some case), been waiting for a reply for their engineers . Now I have all I need to complete it.

It runs on a raspberry and I am sure you can operate it very easily: minimal configuration just require you to set five parameters and be reassured I can help anytime

I suggest you read the complete SETUP.md tutorial anyway (will change soon to this) .

Why is that?

Thanks for that information. That makes me promote it from “idea” to “let me see how to get there” status :slight_smile:

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As willy was saying, there’s no way to stop people from cheating and submitting to all operators on a single pair. To fix that we’d need the operators to talk to each other and that gets complicated. The only reason we don’t have this with MLP / ALP combo is because MLP’s are trusted not to cheat. Theoretically they could though.


Hi there!
Many thanks to NuBits team for support!

NBT/BTC is available on Hitbtc exchange.

also NBT/USD will be added soon.

I hope, we would find liquidity provider here!
if you somebody have any ideas or questions, please ping me here :wink:



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waiting now for server and bots :wink:

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I’d expand operation of NuPond.

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please make it quick!
i see some crazy orders there already! :slight_smile: