I still don’t have a clue how the script works.
Where does the script get the address (in my case “T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY”) from?
I don’t find any reference in any config for it.
I can confirm that “T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY” has been added to the (NSR) wallet automatically:
nud getaddressesbyaccount "FLOT NBT multisig"
It seems to be a multisig NSR address:
nud validateaddress T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY
"isvalid" : true,
"address" : "T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY",
"ismine" : true,
"isscript" : true,
"script" : "multisig",
"addresses" : [
"sigsrequired" : 3,
"account" : "FLOT NBT multisig"
I digged deeper.
You guessed right with the NSR port and I’ve learned something about the nu wallet RPC:
the RPC port in nu.conf is the port to access the NSR wallet.
The RPC port to access the NBT wallet is incremented by 1.
I’ve adjusted git-multisig/config.py accordingly and ran the script again:
python main.py --recipient BXKidrUiYNgRmDeDX61k6CASEJ2HjM8pUF --amount 0.1
Added multisig address to client, label = FLOT NBT multisig
Multisig address seems valid.
Trying git pull...
Already up-to-date.
Updating address snapshot...
[master bc04355] 1448361280.89
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Counting objects: 7, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 354 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:Lamz0rNewb/flot-operations.git
19974a1..bc04355 master -> master
This is your transaction hex:
Interestingly the NuBot config contains the RPC port that should target the NSR wallet; I bet NuBot internally increments that 
Sorry for all the trouble my lack of knowledge causes!