Tier 4 Fund Management Discussion

Thanks. I’ve revisited the nu docs and saw that it wouldn’t work consistently. In your cases perhaps it’s because the transaction is still in the mempool or for some other weird quirk. I’ll check more carefully; nu isn’t totally consistent with Bitcoin.

For the meantime, @masterofdisaster please update to the newest git-multisig (now does not require the newest git). Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience!

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Will do!
…but not right now…

Thank you for your patience and help!
It would be much less convenient and reliable to forge transactions manually.

The newest version of git-multisig does not rely on txindex=1 anymore, so nobody has to reindex their blockchain. I’ll update the guide shortly.

Could you link to the guide. (72 posts back now) :innocent: That’s the guide, right?

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There’s a link in the first post of the other thread; I’ll aim to put stuff in a readme file too.

Put the post in README.md, maybe.

Do you know a good way of doing that? Can I modify the .app package? :relaxed:

Shortcuts… in OS X, aliases. Can they have arguments like in Windows…

Sweet! Follow #2 and replace Firefox with Nu, basically.

Has to be repeated every update. Could we have this in the official build so one only has to edit the shell script to add arguments? :slight_smile: It’s hardcoded at /Applications/Nu.app now though. Is the app’s path given to the script? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4774054/reliable-way-for-a-bash-script-to-get-the-full-path-to-itself

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Who will be in the NSR group?
Is every FLOT member ready to start testing with the BTC multisig?

The motions of @dhume and @crypto_coiner are still hanging there, so we’re short of people for the NSR group. Unless of course the overlap is 3 people. For BTC, do you think we can use https://coinb.in?

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It seem that i will be in the nsr group.
So i need to create a nsr pubkey?

I will post an NSR pubkey as well.
Should we create a new thread to separate the topics a little bit?

This problem is still not solved. The script keeps asking for username and password at “…” I gave up after feeding it u/p more than 20 times. Any idea @dysconnect ?

By the way what is the role of github in the signing process? Back when peershares was developed github turned most potential helping community members away.

Using git(hub) is optional and only used to publish the tracked balance of the address. Later I may also try to do the signing bit over git. It’s possible to use bitbucket or even alternative channels to do the same thing, depending on actual need and how easy it is to retrieve the snapshots from the server.

I prefer using git as it is a convenient standard and will try to support diverse needs such as a hatred for github; over the long term there should be multiple alternative channels other than blockexplorer to retrieve unspent outputs.

About that problem, I’ve only encountered it when the RPC username and password don’t match nu.conf. Try to check that the settings in config.py match all rpc-related settings (port, username, password) in the same custom nu.conf that you’ve loaded.

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I figured it out. A special character (#) in the password must have caused the rpc url to fail. Unless quoting or escape chars can be used with http, rpc password had better stick to alphanumerics here.

Multisig address seems valid.
Updating address snapshot…

This is your transaction hex:

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Well done, @dysconnect!
I pulled the latest master of git-multisig and tried again:

python main.py --recipient BXKidrUiYNgRmDeDX61k6CASEJ2HjM8pUF --amount 0.1
Added multisig address to client, label = FLOT NBT multisig
Address does not match given public keys (note that order matters)
Trying git pull...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Already up-to-date.

Updating address snapshot...
[master 89a3d07] 1448352430.94
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Counting objects: 11, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 672 bytes, done.
Total 8 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:Lamz0rNewb/flot-operations.git
   0684083..89a3d07  master -> master

This is your transaction hex:

Updating the github repo worked:

ninjaedit: Discourse seems to cache embedded github contents. In real the blockcount is at 627911

Great, thanks for testing. This line is still a bit off though:

Address does not match given public keys (note that order matters)

Can you check that the address BqyRz… is in your wallet with label/account name “FLOT NBT multisig”?

Checked that. Wasn’t there. I wasn’t aware of the need for that.
Fixed it:

nud -unit=B setaccount BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js 'FLOT NBT multisig'

Now it looks like this:

python main.py --recipient BXKidrUiYNgRmDeDX61k6CASEJ2HjM8pUF --amount 0.1
Added multisig address to client, label = FLOT NBT multisig
Address does not match given public keys (note that order matters)
Trying git pull...
Already up-to-date.

Updating address snapshot...
[master 3eda25c] 1448356263.27
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Counting objects: 7, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 354 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:Lamz0rNewb/flot-operations.git
   89a3d07..3eda25c  master -> master

This is your transaction hex:

Better now - I don’t thin so…?
The output is pretty much the same…

Wait - I shouldn’t have needed to add the multisig address manually to the wallet, right?
It was not there until after I added it… but the script still seems to not recognize the multisig address.

I’m guessing that you’ve set the RPC port to a Nushares port. It should be a Nubits port - likely still 14002 by default.

If that doesn’t work, find this block of code in chainutils.py:

     s = rpc_server.addmultisigaddress(config.SIGN_THRESHOLD, config.PUBKEYS, config.ACCOUNT)
     print "Added multisig address to client, label =", config.ACCOUNT
     if s == config.ADDRESS:
         print "Multisig address seems valid."
         print "Address does not match given public keys (note that order matters)"

Add this line after the “s = …” line:

 print s

And see the output.


 python main.py --recipient BXKidrUiYNgRmDeDX61k6CASEJ2HjM8pUF --amount 0.1
Added multisig address to client, label = FLOT NBT multisig
Trying git pull...

I’ve set an rpc port in nu.conf. This works for NuBot broadcasting liquidity with it.

The address formed begins with a T. Is that a testnet NSR address?

I still don’t have a clue how the script works.
Where does the script get the address (in my case “T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY”) from?
I don’t find any reference in any config for it.

I can confirm that “T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY” has been added to the (NSR) wallet automatically:

nud getaddressesbyaccount "FLOT NBT multisig"

It seems to be a multisig NSR address:

nud validateaddress T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY
    "isvalid" : true,
    "address" : "T8pMQPDTW5P33Kr7uEsAT7g818PyM54zvY",
    "ismine" : true,
    "isscript" : true,
    "script" : "multisig",
    "addresses" : [
    "sigsrequired" : 3,
    "account" : "FLOT NBT multisig"

I digged deeper.

You guessed right with the NSR port and I’ve learned something about the nu wallet RPC:
the RPC port in nu.conf is the port to access the NSR wallet.
The RPC port to access the NBT wallet is incremented by 1.

I’ve adjusted git-multisig/config.py accordingly and ran the script again:

python main.py --recipient BXKidrUiYNgRmDeDX61k6CASEJ2HjM8pUF --amount 0.1
Added multisig address to client, label = FLOT NBT multisig
Multisig address seems valid.
Trying git pull...
Already up-to-date.

Updating address snapshot...
[master bc04355] 1448361280.89
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Counting objects: 7, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 354 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:Lamz0rNewb/flot-operations.git
   19974a1..bc04355  master -> master

This is your transaction hex:

Interestingly the NuBot config contains the RPC port that should target the NSR wallet; I bet NuBot internally increments that :wink:

Sorry for all the trouble my lack of knowledge causes!

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