The dollar collapse will rock the world: jeff berwick on the sgt report

Good point.

Now I am more inclined to first focus on a Yuan-pegged NuBit rather than a SDR-pegged NuBit.

Technical update/hijack! hehe

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now, don’t get me wrong, but the below Iluminati-Tesla case is more serious than these dollar collapses :smiley:

If you go back to 2008 the technical analysis was clear. I pulled out of the market two months prior to the collapse and pushed back in first quarter invested across a wide spectrum of undervalued stock and did well.

China is the bank. China cannot afford to let USD fail…until it suits their interests.


@JordanLee Today on r/CryptoCurrency

Can someone explain to me why you would want to tie a digital currency to the value of a fiat currency?
Doesn’t that defeat part of the point of digital currencies? If the USD inflates and devalues, doesn’t that automatically devalue the NuBits?