Testing html structure for assistant

I’ve been trying to think of a way to include the motion text produced by Assistant bot as the verify link doesn’t work without some editing.
This post comes up with a possible solution that I’d like to try out here.
Could anyone who sees this reply to let me know if it works for them? The post says only in Chrome but that was in March last year. I’d hope that other browsers would have caught up by now.

Folding Text Title: Testing the foldingwith italics ghfdgh7ydsgudguidsghjdstyudw More text here

Chrome Linux yes. Firefox Linux yes but without dropdown.

Ah well. was worth a try.

Chrome on Yosemite : works

Why not just make a pastebin ?

As Chrome and Firefox have already been tested on Linux I gave lynx a chance:
Doesn’t work. Like expected :wink:

I think I’ve got a plan. When generating QR-Codes of addresses, Assistant saves the AR image to it’s own web folder. Then it runs Apache to serve the images as requested.
I’m going to copy the motion text to a .txt file and save it in the web folder. The verify link will then link to that.

I think that did it. could you check the verify link for me and the hash if possible?

Motion RIPEMD160 hash: 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee

=##=##=##=##=##=## Motion hash starts with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

this is a test with some words in it

=##=##=##=##=##=## Motion hash ends with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Verify. Use everything between and including the <motionhash></motionhash> tags.

and a custodian proposal using the same method

Proposal RIPEMD160 hash: a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024

=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash starts with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Custodial Address: B5T3iMKtDoHhFoDdx7ppuDHCMWTYWQgXix
Amount Requested: 100000000 NBT

a big proposal.

=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash ends with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Verify. Use everything between and including the <custodianhash></custodianhash> tags.

@assistant park rates

(this wasn’t working before as there weren’t any park rates to test with)

Hi @woolly_sammoth

The current park rates in the Nu network are:

32768 blocks: 0% APR
65536 blocks: 0% APR
131072 blocks: 0% APR

oops. that should be a float, not an integer.

@assistant park rates

Hi @woolly_sammoth

The current park rates in the Nu network are:

32768 blocks: 0.000903% APR
65536 blocks: 0.002492% APR
131072 blocks: 0.006230% APR

@assistant verify

Hi @woolly_sammoth

Here are the verification results of all the motion and custodian hashes I could find in this thread:

I found the following hashes:
1 Motion | 1 Custodial

custodial hash
Original Hash : a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024
Calculated Hash : a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024
The hash is good.

motion hash
Original Hash : 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee
Calculated Hash : 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee
The hash is good.

@assistant verify

Hi @woolly_sammoth

Here are the verification results of all the motion and custodian hashes I could find in this thread:

I found the following hashes:
1 Motion | 1 Custodial

custodial hash
Original Hash : a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024_broken_deliberately
Calculated Hash : a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024
:x: The hash has changed indicating a change to the text.

motion hash
Original Hash : 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee
Calculated Hash : 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee
:heavy_check_mark: The hash is good.

@assistant verify

(tried emojis but the don’t work when nested in html)

Hi @woolly_sammoth

Here are the verification results of all the motion and custodian hashes I could find in this thread:

I found the following hashes:
1 Motion | 1 Custodial

custodial hash
Original Hash : a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024_broken_deliberately
Calculated Hash : a8c20c28d0af88081210db2a44ab33127d839024
The hash has changed indicating a change to the text.

motion hash
Original Hash : 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee
Calculated Hash : 2f164e68d4985c578d82691c848363deebe9e6ee
The hash is good.