can you show the github link about the shell script ?
Just did a run
Nushares buyback calculation as of Sat Sep 10 13:21:34 UTC 2016
Total NBT = 1138994.8992
Uncirculating Nubits
- FSRT multisig
Balance of BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC is 0 NBT - FSRT singlesig
Balance of BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi is 151500 NBT - JordanLee singlesig
Balance of B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj is 150000 NBT - JordanLee singlesig from liquidity ops
Balance of BT9AWq9r1i6kghZc6LtrvNb2wRFh7JLCdP is 64526.134 NBT - FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT - Total parked Nubits is 10667.328. They are not used in circulating nubits calculation for buyback purposes.
Total NBT in circulation is 469611.276600 NBT.
Tier 4 Funds
- Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by FLOT
FLOT 5-of-8 multisig old
Balance of 3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG is 0 BTC
FLOT 5-of-8 multisig new
Balance of 3HikFkS2Zinab1TJq7dqp6wSPyLu7i7bhe is 25.74296065 BTC - Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by JordanLee 0 BTC
- NuSafe has $0 for T4, and is not included for buyback pool calculation.
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig Peercoin
Balance of pM68K72BBa2KX7Kj2qY5jgTB3AmCUKFQmV is 0 PPC
bitstamp BTC last price is 622.63000 USD
btc-e PPC average price is 0.00053 BTC
Poloniex NBT/BTC 0.00158684 $ 0.988014
The following calculations use 1 NBT = $1.
Tier 4 buy side funds 25.742961 BTC, 0.000000 PPC, and $0.000000, valued $16028.339590 (25.742961 BTC)
Of the 469611.276600 NBT in circulation, 469611.276600 - 0.000000(NuSafe) = 469611.276600 NBT are outstanding.
100.00 percent of outstanding Nubits, 469611.276600 NBT (754.238113 BTC), are reserved and excluded from the share buyback calculation.
25.742961 - 754.238113 = -728.495153 BTC (16028.339590 - 469611.276600 = -453582.937010 NBT) are in the share buyback pool.
The Standard is 5.00 percent of this, -36.4248 BTC (~ -22679.15 NBT)
Standard < -2500: Sell 22679.15 NBT (36.4248 BTC) amount of NSR next week.
Auxiliary reserve flow is 0.100000
PPC Standard is -2348.056383 NBT
Standard x F (-2267.914685) < -1000: Sell -2267.91 NBT (3.6425 BTC) amount of PPC next week.
In three days there are ~400 nbt created as
becomes 5582.6446
Nushares buyback calculation as of Sun Oct 2 12:25:41 UTC 2016
Blockheight is set to 1078910
Moneysupply is set to 1139573.4754
Total NBT = 1139573.4754
Uncirculating Nubits
- FSRT multisig
Balance of BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC is 0 NBT - FSRT singlesig
Balance of BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi is 151500 NBT - JordanLee singlesig
Balance of B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj is 150000 NBT - JordanLee singlesig from liquidity ops
Balance of BT9AWq9r1i6kghZc6LtrvNb2wRFh7JLCdP is 34526.124 NBT - FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT - Total parked Nubits is . They are not used in circulating nubits calculation for buyback purposes.
Total NBT in circulation is 500189.862800 NBT.
Tier 4 Funds
- Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by FLOT
FLOT 5-of-8 multisig old
Balance of 3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG is 0 BTC
FLOT 5-of-8 multisig new
Balance of 3HikFkS2Zinab1TJq7dqp6wSPyLu7i7bhe is 0 BTC - Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by JordanLee 0 BTC
- NuSafe has $0 for T4, and is not included for buyback pool calculation.
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig Peercoin
Balance of pM68K72BBa2KX7Kj2qY5jgTB3AmCUKFQmV is 0 PPC
bitstamp BTC last price is 608.90000 USD
btc-e PPC average price is 0.000505 BTC
Poloniex NBT/BTC 0.00163659 $ 0.99652
The following calculations use 1 NBT = $1.
Tier 4 buy side funds 0.000000 BTC, 0.000000 PPC, and $0.000000, valued $0.000000 (0.000000 BTC)
Of the 500189.862800 NBT in circulation, 500189.862800 - 0.000000(NuSafe) = 500189.862800 NBT are outstanding.
100.00 percent of outstanding Nubits, 500189.862800 NBT (821.464711 BTC), are reserved and excluded from the share buyback calculation.
0.000000 - 821.464711 = -821.464711 BTC (0.000000 - 500189.862800 = -500189.862800 NBT) are in the share buyback pool.
The Standard is 5.00 percent of this, -41.0732 BTC (~ -25009.49 NBT)
Standard < -2500: Sell 25009.49 NBT (41.0732 BTC) amount of NSR next week.
Auxiliary reserve flow is 0.100000
PPC Standard is -2500.949314 NBT
Standard x F (-2500.949314) < -1000: Sell -2500.95 NBT (4.1073 BTC) amount of PPC next week.
Blockheight is 1153392
Total US-NBT = 1,136,548.86
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
FSRT singlesig
Balance of BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi is 151500 NBT -
JordanLee singlesig
Balance of B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj is 150000 NBT -
JordanLee singlesig from liquidity ops
Balance of BT9AWq9r1i6kghZc6LtrvNb2wRFh7JLCdP is 34526.124 NBT -
FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT -
Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 122287.506 US-NBT (corrected value is 66303.3857*) -
Liquidity Operations
Balance of addresses listed here is 143465.96 US-NBT -
Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 73844.00 US-NBT -
Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 3018.66 US-NBT -
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT -
Total parked US-NBT is 9351.5746.
Total US-NBT in circulation is 117420.54. (corrected value is 173404.6603)
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 10003.95
- NuLagoon: 2225.10
- Bittrex: 1970.84
Total Tier 1 reserves: 14199.89
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 291,209 US-NBT
We are required to have 56,986.82 (corrected value is 82,943.68) US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 42,786.93 (corrected value is 68,743.79) US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
- (Edit) The balance reported for blockchain address BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a was outdated as reported on November 24th. The original erroneous figure and the corrected value now appear. The error could have spotted by anyone conducting a brief check of the figures by checking the balance reported in a publicly available blockchain explorer. Calculating these figures is a task I have been reluctant to take on personally. I had invited and mhps had agreed to provide these figures in recent times, but he actually did not do so. I had individually invited two others I thought would be likely and able to do the task above as well, but final figures were not to be had that way. Consistent with my habit of filling important shareholder needs where there are gaps, I provided what was needed in the most efficient way possible. It was the first calculation using this method, so an oversight is not exactly unexpected.
@masterOfDisaster can easily reduce the $69,000 we need to start NSR buybacks to $59,000 by transferring the NuShare holder funds he is in possession of (13 BTC) to the Poloniex gateway at 1L55nYrmDEVSmwrLRBkXDCRc7kRJ9YDKVP. The funds will be immediately placed on the buy side.
@masterOfDisaster, what is your reason for withholding these shareholder funds that were earmarked solely for liquidity operations?
Should we be calling these stolen funds at this point?
As Chief of Liquidity Operations, I am requesting that all of the above funds be transferred to liquidity operations address BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a, an address I have the key to. They are all shareholders funds earmarked for liquidity operations.
@jooize, I would like you to send 100,000 US-NBT there as well.
Blockheight is 1160588
Total US-NBT = 1,136,561.74
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 505328.7356 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of addresses listed here is 48901.39 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 72904.65 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 3716.42 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 9366.57
Total US-NBT in circulation is 165,209.49
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 10045.31
- NuLagoon: 2199.87
- Bittrex: 2484.03
Total Tier 1 reserves: 14729.21
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 234,462 US-NBT
We are required to have 79,192.97 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 64,463.76 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
Blockheight is 1174033
Total US-NBT = 1,141,159.11
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 505328.7356 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of addresses listed here is 73371.73 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 72904.65 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 2500.63 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 9365.74
Total US-NBT in circulation is 146,553.12
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 8968.72
- NuLagoon: 2278.53
- Bittrex: 1511.48
Total Tier 1 reserves: 12758.73
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 218,528 US-NBT
We are required to have 70,591.83 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4
reserves. This means that as soon as 57,833.10 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
Blockheight is 1180227
Total US-NBT = 1,141,158.2551
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 505328.7356 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV is 73371.73 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 72902.21 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 2499.72 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 9397.00
Total US-NBT in circulation is 146,524.37
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 10574.14
- NuLagoon: 2320.74
- Bittrex: 2546.94
Total Tier 1 reserves: 15441.82
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 199,001 US-NBT
We are required to have 70,578.51 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 55,136.69 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
Blockheight is 1188945
Total US-NBT = 1,141,169.6631
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 505328.7356 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV is 73371.73 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 73482.76 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 2610.45 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 8131.00
Total US-NBT in circulation is 147,110.50
Total CN-NBT = 2,000,000
Shareholder controlled CN-NBT
- Liquidity Operations
Balance of YhSEw9AGBJ3KtqLrxeQrcsTVk5u57pA88m is 2000000 - Total parked CN-NBT is 0
Total CN-NBT in circulation is 0
Total NuBits (including all kinds) in circulation is 147,110.50 US-NBT
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 12702.79
- NuLagoon: 2360.61
- Bittrex: 2472.84
Total Tier 1 reserves: 17536.24
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 177,065 US-NBT
We are required to have 70,850.06 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 53,313.82 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
Blockheight is 1199337
Total US-NBT = 1,141,167.06
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.49 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 509128.74 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV is 65977.63 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 79545.30 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 9962.56 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 8193.95
Total US-NBT in circulation is 137,224.39
Total CN-NBT = 2,000,000
Shareholder controlled CN-NBT
- Liquidity Operations
Balance of YhSEw9AGBJ3KtqLrxeQrcsTVk5u57pA88m is 2000000 - Total parked CN-NBT is 0
Total CN-NBT in circulation is 0
Total NuBits (including all kinds) in circulation is 137,224.39 US-NBT
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 13113.47
- NuLagoon: 2736.90
- Bittrex: 2816.99
Total Tier 1 reserves: 18667.36
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 144,073 US-NBT
We are required to have 66,258.38 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 47,591.02 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
There has been heavy downward pressure on the NuBit supply this last week due to a 20% rise in Bitcoin and the announcement that Poloniex is delisting US NuBits 5 days ago. Even so, it only resulted in a reduction in the circulating money supply of about 10,000. If that is what happens under very adverse circumstances, what will happen under neutral or favorable conditions?
Furthermore, even with this bad news and shrink in the money supply, our distance from reserve equilibrium continues to collapse, by nearly $6,000 or 11% this week. Each of the 6 six weeks this data has been collected and reported, we have moved closer to reserve equilibrium and NSR buybacks. The system is working and NSR buybacks are steadily drawing closer.
Block height is 1209251
Total US-NBT = 1141170.89
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.49 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 516728.74 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV is 77442.67 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 61324.98 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 9708.40 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 8088.95
Total US-NBT in circulation is 136,742.66
Total CN-NBT = 2,000,000
Shareholder controlled CN-NBT
- Liquidity Operations
Balance of YhSEw9AGBJ3KtqLrxeQrcsTVk5u57pA88m is 2000000 - Total parked CN-NBT is 0
Total CN-NBT in circulation is 0
Total NuBits (including all kinds) in circulation is 136,742.66 US-NBT
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 12072.97
- NuLagoon: 2848.11
- Bittrex: 3350.8
Total Tier 1 reserves: 18271.88
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 89,116 US-NBT
We are required to have 66,034.01 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 47,472.13 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
47472 .13 US-NBTNeed to rely on the sale of NSR to achieve it?
Now every day to sell 4000000NSR only get 0.5BTC, which takes a very long time to achieve it!
Some time ago to sell 2000000NSR a day, later said to reduce to 1000000NSR every day, why now need to sell 4000000NSR?
NSR is only sold to take the fate of cash it?
We will raise the $47000 needed to reach equilibrium by selling NSR if necessary in the amount of 1% of the shortage from equilibrium (that is about $470 right now) each day. Much better would be to raise the $47,000 by selling currency, either US-NBT or CN-NBT. There is no reason it needs to be done with painful NSR sales.
Who bought NSR, every day as much as the sale

Who bought NSR, every day as much as the sale
We don’t know. The trades are conducted on Poloniex, so they know.
Here is a graph of the total currency in circulation data reported in this thread. It looks ugly, but it does level off toward the end of the year. Even with the Poloniex delisting announcement on December 19th and the fast moving Bitcoin rally from $790 to $1023 since then, the currency supply took only a modest dip.
With extraordinary downward pressure on the money supply only slightly reducing the number of NuBits in circulation, we appear to be in a good position for a turnaround in the direction of the money supply.
In the near term, we would only need to get the money supply up to around $200,000 to see NSR sales halt and NSR buybacks begin.