Blockheight is 1199337
Total US-NBT = 1,141,167.06
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
- FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.49 NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 509128.74 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Balance of B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV is 65977.63 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 79545.30 US-NBT - Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 9962.56 US-NBT - NuLagoon
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT - Total parked US-NBT is 8193.95
Total US-NBT in circulation is 137,224.39
Total CN-NBT = 2,000,000
Shareholder controlled CN-NBT
- Liquidity Operations
Balance of YhSEw9AGBJ3KtqLrxeQrcsTVk5u57pA88m is 2000000 - Total parked CN-NBT is 0
Total CN-NBT in circulation is 0
Total NuBits (including all kinds) in circulation is 137,224.39 US-NBT
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 13113.47
- NuLagoon: 2736.90
- Bittrex: 2816.99
Total Tier 1 reserves: 18667.36
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 144,073 US-NBT
We are required to have 66,258.38 US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 47,591.02 US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.