Spot an Opportunity to Promote B&C Exchange? Post a Link in Here!

I think Decentralization is a means for an end - If that end is not superior to or not achievable by Centralization, then it is not worth it and why all the hustle? buzz?
Cheap & Secure stability is one end.

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There are tradeoffs to polarized implementations. Through time and effort those tradeoffs can be minimized and in some cases it’s possible to get “the best of both worlds”. I think the focus on decentralized systems is still fairly new and we’re yet to see what is possible and how many tradeoffs we can minimize.

Pegged Assets Exchange (PAX)

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WHAT IS SYSCOIN?Syscoin is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that not only allows low-cost financial transactions like Bitcoin, but provides businesses the infrastructure to trade goods, assets, digital certificates and data securely.

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Please be aware of community guidelines when following links to voting-moderated communities.

Built on the Ethereum Blockchain, VΞX uses Turing-complete contracts to simplify venture governance, fund raising, asset management, financial reporting, auditing, and shareholder relations.

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Kraken has been getting server attacked since the ETH pump, be cautious.
Poloniex is highly suspicious, with trade bots and fake trading
volume/book activity, as well as withdrawal problems and verification


Why is the official twitter account promoting functions which are not implemented yet?

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I just wanted to post the same. Thanks @willy

I’ll adjust the messaging if you think it’s controversial. We want people downloading the wallet and seeing the underlying trading mechanics (such as voting for signers, voting for fees, etc.) even if actual trades are not yet enabled.

"Etheropt is a decentralized options exchange built on Ethereum"

"Reputation Ranking and monetary reward of Internet users"

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How are you planning to take into consideration and defend the B&C user interests Vs BKS shareholders & signers?

Out of curiosity, how does B&C Exchange main idea compare with zero knowledge proof-based decentralized exchange (ex: ?

World’s First Decentralized Currency Exchange to Launch April 27!

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