新币支持:Shapeshift开始支持 Tether USD 与27种虚拟币的交换

Shapeshift 新币支持:Tether USD

Tether 现已加入 Shapeshift 换币大家族,即时与包括比特币,莱特币,名字币等等虚拟货币进行交换,无需注册与密码,真正安全,方便,快捷!


Tether usd is a competitor of nubit in some way so advertising it here is not very appropriate imho.

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We recognize that our implementation isn’t perfectly decentralized since Tether Limited 7 must act as a centralized custodian of reserve assets (albeit tethers in circulation exist as a decentralized digital currency)…

meaningless for me.

That entails a huge counter-party risk.

The answer is clear.

So Tether is not able to keep their peg as tightly as NuBit.

They do not have much liquidity at all on BTC/USDT markets. USDT/USD is listed at bitfinex and has a solid peg at $1 there, to be completely fair. Coinmarketcap displays data that appears biased, though, if you look into the quoted exchange prices from Poloniex on BTC/USDT. CMC would lead you to believe they are actually trading for $1 exactly while the numbers do not add up.

I think some of the players from Tether are just able to pull a few strings to help their image. Our product is speaking for itself like these prices on Shapeshift.io show.