We are happy to announce the first full outing of the Trustless Liquidity Pool. After a successful Beta period, during which many iterations were tested, the pool software is ready to provide liquidity for the Nu network.
The full proposal can be viewed below. We would like to have the proposal passed before the point at which liquidity provision is started. The main points of the proposal are as follows:
- Intention to provide 20,000 NBT liquidity on Bittrex
- 30 day operation
- Maximum compensation of 7.5% per month (0.25% per day)
- Minimum payout of 1 NBT
- Payouts every 24 hours
- 300 NBT pool fee
- 1500 NBT compensation payout for liquidity providers
- 1800 NBT requested in total
- Liquidity offered for 9% fee
Liquidity providers remain in full control of their funds throughout the operation of the pool.
Proposal RIPEMD160 hash: 7145a48af6cfda756b3b03ec91949a517514f4b9
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Custodial Address: BNUpooLxGbHXSs7Qcwi5EBXzZ82BbWwsMN
Amount Requested: 1800 NBT
After the public release of an NBT market on Bittrex we, @creon, @woolly_sammoth and @willy, will start a trustless liquidity pool server to provide liquidity on the BTC/NBT market. A target of 10,000 NBT on the bid and ask side of the order book will be provided by the pool, resulting in a total maximum liquidity of 20,000 NBT. The operation will end after thirty (30) days. The pool will be formally run by @woolly_sammoth.
Liquidity provided by users will be compensated with up to seven point five percent (7.5%) per month (0.25% per day) using the pools calculations to allow a fair distribution of returns amongst liquidity providers. 1,500 NBT of the requested amount in this grant will be held as reserve to make payouts to connected users. Payouts will take part every 24 hours. The minimum payout is 1 NBT. The pool fee is 300 NBT and serves as compensation for the effort of supporting the pool, supporting the users and operating the server.
After the operation we will provide the shareholders with detailed information about the liquidity provided by the pool. If the target was not reached during some time, or users provided enough liquidity to allow a smaller interest rate, then the remaining funds will be used in the following operations.
If, for some reason, the decision is made to discontinue the pool project after the term has passed, the remaining NBT from previous grants will be burned.
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