To Nu Shareholders,
Current contract to provide nuexplorer instance to nu community runs out in less than a month, on 4th of December. Please consider renewing it. Terms are almost the same as last time:
RIPEMD-160 68265195b2a65847edbba8c9ebaa2f2c4dea8df4
I, backpacker69, propose to run, maintain and support a high availability instance of nuexplorer software for 6 months for 600 NBT, which includes a sufficiently powerful virtual server, setup and administration cost of nuexplorer software.
To make sure that block explorer runs reliably and community can count on it, I will be burning 50 NBT for any reported outage that takes longer than 24 hours to remedy.
NuBits grant address: BACkPaCKkLFhM5WPqVucRKQCeepwjyMLNF
Vote amount: 600NBT
Please note, that current hosting contract will run out in early December, so unless this grant is filled, will be decomissioned at some point.
Update 14/11/16: This has passed, new contract will last until 5th of June.