[Passed] NuRiver TLLP for NBT/USD & NBT/BTC on Cryptsy

There is a working server and client branch for Cryptsy thanks to @woolly_sammoth:

I have been running the software on Cryptsy for a few days now, NBT/BTC and NBT/USD. Things are going optimally. It is time for the official vote to start operation.

There are two grants, this is for NBT/USD.

Proposal RIPEMD160 hash: 8ca06d24a23d3295c53ca54d1faa52ee412e4889

=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash starts with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Custodial Address: B8BxkGL8kK6X9fBxbeEBHwaSTCLuvvHqAM
Amount Requested: 210 NBT

NuRiver Operations Month 1

  • Duration: 30 Days
  • Daily Rate: 0.2%
  • Total Rate: 6%

Cryptsy: 3000 NBT > 1500 BID | 1500 ASK

Server Tolerance: 0.006 or 0.6%

Grant Amount: 3000 x 6% = 180 NBTPool Fee: 3000 x 1% = 30 NBT

Total Grant Requested: 210 NBT

=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash ends with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Verify. Use everything between and including the <custodianhash></custodianhash> tags.

Daily payout, minimum 1 NBT.

There are two grants. Here is the grant request for BTC/NBT operations on Cryptsy. Again, starting slow.

Proposal RIPEMD160 hash: 109eb95642162a6d92e3806c63763460f5810d58

=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash starts with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Custodial Address: BB5zg2yioLL86D4XvD3s2wpAGFqxWPxbCL
Amount Requested: 300 NBT

NuRiver Operations Month 1 BTC/NBT

This is for expanding NuRiver to operate a BTC/NBT pool on Cryptsy. It will operate in tandem with the proposed USD/NBT pool.

  • Duration: 30 Days
  • Daily Rate: 0.3%
  • Total Rate: 9%

Cryptsy: 3000 NBT > 1500 BID | 1500 ASK

Server Tolerance: 0.008 or 0.8%

  • Grant Amount: 3000 x 9% = 270 NBT
  • NBTPool Fee: 3000 x 1% = 30 NBT
  • Total Grant Requested: 300 NBT

Payouts: Daily payout, minimum 1 NBT.

=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash ends with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=

Verify. Use everything between and including the <custodianhash></custodianhash> tags.

Since NBT/USD reached its 5000 sell side target quickly, I think you could aim for at least $5000 total, but 2500 for ramping up is OK.

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I upped the amount to $3000 and lowered the tolerance to 0.8%.
Total cos would be: 210 NBT.

I hope that the 3000 will be filled up, but I want to start slow to ensure I can handle what is going on.

It won’t be super fast. The verification requirement will cause some friction.

It took a day for me. But I know, it is more about people willing to go through verification. Especially in the crypto world.

With NBT/USD, the deviation can be set to some very very small number (theoretical zero, but I’m not sure the python program would like that). That means basically the entire server tolerance would be usable as offset. Your order book could very well have a 1.6% spread.

I know that @cybnate uses an even higher tolerance, which could theoretically have a 1.7% spread, but your server is alone on this pair while hers shares a tolerance with many different pairs. For that reason, I ask you to consider using a spread closer to what I am using (0.6% tolerance) or even smaller.

If you choose not to do that on this grant for whatever technical reasons, at least consider it for next grant.

It is worth noting the fee on this pair, which I think is 0.33%. In that case, your spread would be 0.94% after fees, which isn’t terrible. My CNY pool has 0.4% spread after fees while my BTC pool has 1% spread after fees.

a 1% “Spread after fees” means that if an LP gets their NBT bought, then their USD buys NBT, they get 1% wins. There are some trains of thought that this number should be 0%, but it’s really up to you as a pool operator and ultimately the shareholders who vote you in.

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looks good to me.

Updated to a tolerance of 0.6%.

I am confident in operations now. See the original post. Let the voting begin. :slight_smile:


Now it would be awesome if Cryptsy opened up more NBT fiat markets…

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Welcoming another pool. Thanks Nmei.
Was initially eyeing this for LiquidBits given that I’m losing Bitcoin.co.id due to de-listing, but more decentralisation in pools is even better.

Therefore supporting this grant as a Shareholder and will also add to my data-feed soon.

Maybe I’ve missed something but NBT/BTC on cryptsy is still available / being discussed?

Ok, would have preferred the NBT/USD pair, but might run a separate grant for NBT/BTC and verify what Shareholders think of it.

I slightly prefer to have the same pool offer different pairs on the same exchange so the users fund and easily switch between pairs. The ALP clients are similar but not identical. Payout threshold and frequency can be different.

What are NuRiver’s payout threshold and frequency, @nmei ?


That’s a good point, but in the end @nmei’s decision.

8ca06d24a23d3295c53ca54d1faa52ee412e4889 verified.

B8BxkGL8kK6X9fBxbeEBHwaSTCLuvvHqAM, 210 NBT voted.

@mhps I plan on doing daily payout, minimum 1NBT.
I will update the first post.

I wasn’t planning on starting a BTC/NBT because @Dhume was working on that. I didn’t want to step on his toes. But I haven’t hard from him.

I’ve been very caught up in work and to top it off got very sick this week. Also the technicality of setting up a server has proved quite challenging to say the least. If you want to make a BTC/NBT TLLP on Cryptsy please be my guest. I’l be sure to put in some funds :smile:

I would prefer NuRiver take over NBT/BTC on cryptsy rather than LiquidBits. Having nothing to do with the operation, just for a consistent user experience. I would, however, rather see both NuStream and NuRiver operating independently.


I can set up NuRiver to do both pairs. I will draft up another proposal for the BTC/NBT pair. Expect it Monday.

@Dhume sorry to hear about the troubles! I hope you are feeling better.

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