[Passed] NuPool 8 ALPv2

I am only talking about the round reward, not the full payout to the NBT address. Normally it will do a reward every minute or so, now that stopped.

the price of https://eu.nupool.net/status not change , so the ask order is out of 1% Tolerance

I think that the payouts are not periodic but rather random? Even if the round rewards are above 1 nbt.
Do you have the same impression?

When NuBot submits orders, ALP gets the latest price from the first price feed that responds correctly and calculates if the order lies in rank_1 or rank_2. Currently only rank_1 has any value to a liquidity provider. (the intention is for that to change in the future as pools add more ranks and the rewards that each returns).
The main price feed is supposed to the the Nu price streaming server which NuBot also hooks into. If that is down though, both ALP and NuBot will fall back to other price feeds such as Bitfinex or Kraken. If the prices between ALP and NuBot differ by a “large” amount, your orders will likely fall into rank_2 which us why you will see 0 for the round credits.
Round credits happen every minute and use the rank that was assigned to an order when it was first submitted to calculate how much to credit.
Every 24 hours, those users who have a total credit value of >1NBT will see a payout.

please check the price of status, there are 422 , but the price of market is 416. is this normally?

those need to be “MID” instead of “MED”.

1 Like

you mean ALP server or nubot for client?

That’s client configuration

{“message”: {“meta”: {“last-credit-time”: 1460208275, “next-payout-time”: 1460208378, “number-of-orders”: 9, “number-of-users”: 12, “number-of-users-active”: 6}, “prices”: {“btc”: 422.85}, “rewards”: {“bittrex”: {“btc”: {“ask”: {“rank_1”: 0.0, “rank_2”: 0.0}, “bid”: {“rank_1”: 0.0, “rank_2”: 0.0}}}, “poloniex”: {“btc”: {“ask”: {“rank_1”: 0.01117958, “rank_2”: 0.0}, “bid”: {“rank_1”: 0.01117958, “rank_2”: 0.0}}}}, “totals”: {“bittrex”: {“btc”: {“ask”: {“rank_1”: 0.0, “rank_2”: 0.0, “total”: 0.0}, “bid”: {“rank_1”: 0.0, “rank_2”: 0.0, “total”: 0.0}, “total”: 0.0}}, “poloniex”: {“btc”: {“ask”: {“rank_1”: 0.0, “rank_2”: 9503.947335379999, “total”: 9503.947335379999}, “bid”: {“rank_1”: 4065.94565598, “rank_2”: 226.37401517, “total”: 4292.31967115}, “total”: 13796.26700653}}}}, “server_time”: 1460208276, “server_up_time”: 108547, “status”: true}

Yup my bad, MID not MED in the NuBot config. I’ve just logged in and had a go through the logs. Looks like the Nu daemon crashed at some point. The pool had been set up to hold an RPC connection object in memory and use that for all RPC related tasks. I’ve just pushed an update to the code to reinitialise the RPC connection before each activity. Should prevent the same thing happening again.

Giving the wrong price feed to NuBot is far worse than no price feed at all.

I have not seen the user rewards go up at all for quite a few hours, when before it went up a little every minute. Am I missing something, or not providing enough liquidity? First few letters of API Pub key is JD5IFQYN-xxx .

ALix Walls is using bitstamp/bitfinex/coinbase price (fail over in that order.)

I’ve configured my client like this:

So I have the following price rules:

“mainFeed”: “bitfinex”,
“backupFeeds”: [

Let’s monitor this for a bit…

It’s working now…No idea what had happened though.

Bittrex is still not working for me.

Poloniex went down for a few hours and I think it may have hung up NuBot. Could it be checked? I cannot connect to it now, and Poloniex is(should be) back up now. Thanks.

Thanks for the headsup.
Restarting NuBot now becuase of these log messages:

04:49:29.931 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR - Method=returnTradeHistory failed too many times and timed out. attempts = 8 [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper:615]
04:49:29.936 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR - ApiError [3 : No Connection] [c.n.n.u.SaveTradesAndFinalize:112]
04:49:30.155 [Thread-6] ERROR - Method=returnOpenOrders failed too many times and timed out. attempts = 8 [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper:615]
04:49:30.161 [Thread-6] ERROR - ApiError [3 : No Connection] [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper:554]
04:49:30.168 [Thread-6] ERROR - error canceling orders: ApiError [3 : No Connection] [c.n.n.b.NuBotBase:402]

API erros are still there. And ALP server is down?

I’m not on the pool, operating only the NuBot gateway. Looks good at first glance.
Excerpt from the log:

05:31:37.234 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Order ID = 2144363552
05:31:37.237 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Order placed = OrderToPlace{type=BUY, pair=nbtbtc, size=15
75.0319845, price=0.00229393} [com.nubits.nubot.models.MultipleOrdersResponse:88]
05:31:37.241 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Order ID = 2144364551
05:31:37.245 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Order placed = OrderToPlace{type=BUY, pair=nbtbtc, size=29
24.96801696, price=0.00182573} [com.nubits.nubot.models.MultipleOrdersResponse:88]
05:31:37.249 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Order ID = 2144365550
05:31:39.564 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO  - Already shifting walls. [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.
05:31:49.253 [priceTriggerTask] WARN  - Wall shift successful [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:
05:31:49.263 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - New price computed [Tue Apr 12 05:31:49 UTC 2016,bitfinex,
BTC,427.9,USD,0.00238467,0.00229002,] [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:483]
05:32:06.049 [checkNud] INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask [com.nubits.nu
05:32:13.602 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Price Updated. bitfinex:1 BTC = 427.46 USD [com.nubits.nub
05:32:13.615 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Walls need to be shifted [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMoni
05:32:13.620 [priceTriggerTask] INFO  - Sell Price 0.00238712  | Buy Price  0.00229238 [com.nubits
05:32:13.626 [priceTriggerTask] WARN  - Strategy received a price change notification. [c.n.n.s.S.
05:32:20.566 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO  - Already shifting walls. [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.
05:32:36.050 [checkNud] INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask [com.nubits.nu
05:33:01.565 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO  - Already shifting walls. [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.

But I just found that as well:

status" class="cf-column cf-status-item cf-browser-status ">  <div class="cf-icon-error-container">
    <i class="cf-icon cf-icon-browser"></i>    <i class="cf-icon-status cf-icon-ok"></i>  </div>
<span class="cf-status-desc" data-translate="browser_desc">You</span>  <h3 class="cf-status-name"
data-translate="browser_label">Browser</h3>  <span class="cf-status-label" data-translate="browser
_status_label">Working</span></div><div id="cf-cloudflare-status" class="cf-column cf-status-item
cf-cloudflare-status ">  <div class="cf-icon-error-container">    <i class="cf-icon cf-icon-cloud"
></i>    <i class="cf-icon-status cf-icon-ok"></i>  </div>  <span class="cf-status-desc" data-tran
slate="cloud_desc">Frankfurt</span>  <h3 class="cf-status-name" data-translate="cloud_label">Cloud
Flare</h3>  <span class="cf-status-label" data-translate="cloud_status_label">Working</span></div>
<div id="cf-host-status" class="cf-column cf-status-item cf-host-status cf-error-source">  <div cl
ass="cf-icon-error-container">    <i class="cf-icon cf-icon-server"></i>    <i class="cf-icon-stat
us cf-icon-error"></i>  </div>  <span class="cf-status-desc" data-translate="server_desc">poloniex
.com</span>  <h3 class="cf-status-name" data-translate="server_label">Host</h3>  <span class="cf-s
tatus-label" data-translate="server_status_label">Error</span></div>                </div>
    </div>        </div><!-- /.status-display -->        <div class="cf-section cf-wrapper">
      <div class="cf-columns two">                <div class="cf-column">                    <h2 d
ata-translate="what_happened">What happened?</h2>                    <p>The web server reported a
bad gateway error.</p>                </div>                <div class="cf-column">
     <h2 data-translate="what_can_i_do">What can I do?</h2>                    <p data-translate="
try_again_in_a_few">Please try again in a few minutes.</p>                </div>            </div>
        </div><!-- /.section -->        <div class="cf-error-footer cf-wrapper">  <p>    <span cla
ss="cf-footer-item">CloudFlare Ray ID: <strong>29244dfcc2bf1577</strong></span>    <span class="cf
-footer-separator">&bull;</span>    <span class="cf-footer-item"><span data-translate="your_ip">Yo
ur IP</span>:</span>    <span class="cf-footer-separator">&bull;</span>    <span clas
s="cf-footer-item"><span data-translate="performance_security_by">Performance &amp; security by</s
pan> <a data-orig-proto="https" data-orig-ref="www.cloudflare.com/5xx-error-landing?utm_source=err
or_footer" id="brand_link" target="_blank">CloudFlare</a></span>      </p></div><!-- /.error-foote
r -->    </div><!-- /#cf-error-details --></div><!-- /#cf-wrapper --> [c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper:9

The server was in a hung state this morning. It’s possible it was the Poloniex maintenance that caused it but I’m not totally sure without digging through the logs a bit. Once I know what caused it I’ll put what mediation I can in place.