[Passed] NuPool 8 ALPv2

This shouldnt happen in crfc. You should be getting ~0.2% according to your grant settings.


Poloniex reward now is working.
The problem is in bittrex. i am using the same settings as in Polo but i am getting warnings:
WARN - Cannot save orderID of BUY wall, problem placing it : ApiError [5 : RATE_NOT_PROVIDED]
WARN - Cannot save orderID of BUY wall, problem placing it : ApiError [5 : QUANTITY_NOT_PROVIDED]

then no orders are placed.

@Nagalim, absolutely right. my offer still stands though.

@zoro. Iā€™ve been able to run against Bittrex without this issue (using the raw NuBot code in the developer branch). @willy has shown that he suffers with the same issue that you reported though. I have looked into the issue but as far as I can see its not with the Bittrex wrapper itself. I will continue to look tomorrow (I have a 3 hour train journey so hopefully that will provide some time to do so)

Once 1 NBT is achieved, is there a certain threshold before it is distributed? Is it a set time every day, so if 1 NBT hasnā€™t been reached it will wait until the next day? I did get a distribution over 24 hours ago, but for some reason it didnā€™t do another one yet. Am I missing something?

If you have a look the data on https://eu.nupool.net/status, there is a data field called ā€˜next_payout_timeā€™. Itā€™s expressed as the number of seconds since January 1st 1970, also known as Unix epoch time. There are websites that can convert that to a more human friendly date/time.
If the payout fails for whatever reason, the pool will try again every 2 minutes until it succeeds.

If you had more than 1 NBT in credits before the last payout you should have received them in the payout. I know there has been at least one payout from the pool but if yours is missing it could indicate a problem. Once Iā€™m at the office Iā€™ll log in and have a look at the payout log.

Edit. I logged in to check and there did seem to be some issue with the payout. I restarted the pool which automatically attempts to make the payment if one is overdue and it worked first time. Iā€™ll monitor it during the next payout time which is Sat Apr 9 07:16:00 UTC 2016.

Another question:
right now i am the only that have an order at bid side (1000 NBT) and i am geting ā€œbid reward rank 1ā€ = 0.00177877%
is this normal?

It looks so.
The 0.00177877 is the number of NuBits that are rewarded each minute for Poloniex. That figure is intended as an advertisement to other liquidity providers so that they can target where they put their funds to maximise profits.
If you want to see what you have been credited each round you can use the personal data found at https://eu.nupool.net/<api_public_key>/stats and https://eu.nupool.net/<api_public_key>/orders

please show up a sample setting file for nupool used to nubot

This is working for me. It will get you started at least. You can always stop the bot and use the Web UI to change settings as you wish

  "apiKey": "xxx",
  "apiSecret": "xxx",
  "exchangeName": "poloniex",
  "dualSide": true,
  "pair": "nbt_btc",
  "bypassStreaming": false,
  "streamingserver": "stream.tradingbot.nu:5556",
  "mailnotifications": "NONE",
  "submitLiquidity": false,
  "executeOrders": true,
  "multipleOperators": false,
  "txFee": 0.2,
  "priceIncrement": 3.0E-4,
  "emergencyTimeout": 60,
  "keepProceeds": 0.0,
  "wallchangeThreshold": 0.15,
  "webport": 8889,
  "bookDisabletier2": false,
  "bookSellwall": 1000.0,
  "bookBuywall": 1000.0,
  "bookSellOffset": 0.007,
  "bookBuyOffset": 0.007,
  "bookSellMaxVolumeCumulative": 0.0,
  "bookBuyMaxVolumeCumulative": 0.0,
  "bookBuyInterval": 0.008,
  "bookSellInterval": 0.008,
  "bookSellType": "EXP",
  "bookBuyType": "EXP",
  "bookSellSteepness": "MED",
  "bookBuySteepness": "MED",
  "poolModeActive": true,
  "poolURI": "https://eu.nupool.net:443/",
  "poolPayoutAddress": "xxx",
  "poolSubmitInterval": 50,
  "mainFeed": "bitfinex",
  "backupFeeds": [
1 Like

So, you set the offset to 0 and play with book interval to provide the offset with a single order?

No, my bad. Those offsets arenā€™t allowed under the minimum spread motion. I have amended the config accordingly (do poke me if they still look wrong)
The large order is there for testing purposes too (I rarely test with more than a few NBT so the Sell Wall params rarely come into play)ā€¦ if you have a lower appetite for risk you can reduce the bookBuyWall and bookSellWall params to reduce the amount of funds that are directly against the peg (and most at risk from price swings)

More info on the parameters and the parametric order book are here https://bitbucket.org/JordanLeePeershares/nubottrading/src/master/docs/SETUP.md?fileviewer=file-view-default

The max offset is at 0.0105, i think.

This is what happens when I try to multitask. Iā€™ve updated to 0.007

{ā€œmessageā€: ā€œuser xxxx is not registeredā€, ā€œsuccessā€: false}

can we registered by nubot?

yes. the first time you run NuBot, it will use your api keys and payout address to register on NuPool. Then your stats and orders pages will become available.

I am getting the feeling that the pool operates as a fixed reward pool. I have the same amount in buy and sell and i am getting exactly the same reward/minute in both walls.
I know this is a combination of fixed cost + fixed reward but where i can see the exact reward scheme?

message with not registered

@zoro are your api_public registered ?

I am using the same api and nbt address since pybot days :wink:

That makes sense. you are providing nearly all the liquidity.

The reward scheme looks like this:

  1. calculate the percentage of the target that has been reached. The total payed out this round will be that percentage of the reward
  2. calculate the percentage of the total liquidity that each order has provided and divide the reward up accordingly.

As you are providing ~99.9% of the current liquidity, you will see all the reward./ I would expect to see you credit history change as more providers come online and your percentage of the total changes.

The figures used to do the calculations for each order are available on your orders page. Once an order has been credited, the figures used are displayed in the ā€˜credit-infoā€™ details

Just for the sake of research, how much of liquidity should i provide to get the full 10nbt/day?
(i am not sure what is the max reward for each side)
now i am getting 2-3 NBT but i think i am not alone on this :slight_smile: