Operator: @Nagalim Type: 2 Fixed Cost ALPs Pool and Term: NuPond Term 10 Exchange: Bter.com Pair: NBT/CNY & NBT/BTC Start: May 1st End: May 31st Tolerance: 1% for Both Spread After Fees: 1% for Both Bid/Ask Reward Rate for BTC: 2 NBT/day Bid/Ask Reward Rate for CNY: 2 NBT/day Total Grant Without Operator Fees: 248 NBT Previous Operator Fees: 100 NBT Rollover Funds: 10 NBT Current Total Operator Fees for Next Term: 100 NBT
NuPond may switch to ALP v2 when the operator is confident of the implimentation. Targets of 500 nbt total for each pool will be used for the CRFC model.
Bter is a mess. The spreads on btc/cny are huge and we can’t absorb all the liquidity without taking on large exchange risks.
The fees imposed make it very difficult to understand arbitrage patterns for NBT/CNY. I’m not sure I want to continue operating with a significant amount of cost on this pair.
I need to take time off for a couple months in a couple months. I can operate for May but I will probably need to at least pause or halt NuPond entirely.
I am considering my options as far as how to continue in this community (and how to get paid for it). I will of course remain an active commenter and an opinionated PoS.
What has been the utilisation lately? Is there money in arbitrage or offsets for the LPs?
I think it is ok with the small targets and keep a presence even if it were only from a marketing perspective.
Maybe someone else can take over. I have to admit I’m not confident to operate on BTER not knowing the exchange operators, but maybe someone else is ok with that.
Please explain why.
From my experience, in windows nubot is “hard”, since java “needs” a lot of CPU+ram resources.
Apart from this, nubot is an excellent piece of software with many possibilities and very little bugs if any.
On the other hand, pybot is very light and simple to use (user-wise) but with a lot of bugs that make
the placing orders and rewards a “random” operation
I think the worst have been fixed by now and it is pretty stable. For the remaining ones we have good workarounds. With NuBot we are not that far evolved yet. Sure we can make the pybot work on ALPv2, it just doesn’t have great monitoring and settings facilities.