[Passed] NuLagoon custodian fee request from 15 Apr to 12 May 2016

Dear Shareholders:

As reported in the http://nulagoon.com/data.html , the accumulated Custodian Fee is 4760 NBT from 15 Apr to 12 May 2016. Please grant custodian fee to the pools. Thank you.

B5HupPg3ELbuaz4cuuGNoxREuVKJPZTToa, 4760.00 NBT

The Nu Lagoon manage team

A new motion is voting at https://daology.org/p/d9fee1a6617a7f0201afc61bc61f548b98bcb62d
After the motion pass, NuLagoon will act according to the new motion. Thanks.


NuLagoon has a 1 knbt minimum deposit right? Would you consider lowering that? Ideally all the way down to 100 nbt, but any decrease would help.

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We have thought about it. There are some internal problems preventing us to do so right away. For example, the accounting process depends on data provided by blockexplorer.nu, we are suffering in processing all the deposit and withdraw request at the downtime of blockexplorer.nu.

In the implement of new pool (ETP), we will solve those problems, then we are much more capable to process large quantity of requests.

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will add this to my data feed.

@henry can you set a higher fee of BTCout ?

0.00004000 is too small for this time

Is there any evidence that the fee is not enough to get bitcoin tx confirmed?

always confirmed after 2 block

Are you talking about the time to wait for TubeIn tx confirmed? Do you really think it is necessary to use a higher fee?

tubeout of btc ,highter fee and confirmed faster

sorry for the delay. Voted.

This grant passed.