The backend NuDroid server “SVR1” still runs on a dedicated infrastructure (4Gb memory, 2 CPU, 30Gb SSD) for about 40 NBT/month. It also has Cloudflare PRO level protection and SSL certificates to prevent easy hi-jacks/imposters.
After a few issues with the proper syncing of the blockchain the NuDroid App is now running smooth and stable for more than a month. I like to request the shareholders to continue funding for the backend infrastructure.
This grant requests funding for the continuation of the NuDroid infrastructure for 12 months starting from 1 December 2017 till 30 November 2018:
- Server 4Gb, 2CPU 40 NBT x 12 months = 480 NBT
- Cloudflare PRO 12,50 NBT/month x 12 = 150 NBT
- Operator fee 10 NBT x 12 months = 120 NBT (covering updates/backups/monitoring/certificates etc.)
Total: 480+150+150 = 780 NBT
Please add the following in your client to support this grant:
BK3ziuuQgiU2e5YUeJt6vcJoE5XDmcmc96, 780
The above grant is also published on Github as a public Gist here: On the revision tab on Github you can verify whether and what change has been made after publication of the custodial grant request.
The backend server also runs a NuBits only blockexplorer here: