[Passed] Multisig Liquidity Operations grant of 5 million US NuBits

About 90% of the 2 million USNBT that was granted to Liquidity Operations a day ago was purchased within a few hours. It appears the lack of NuBits for sale just prior to the grant passing resulted in unmet demand building up that was suddenly expressed when the grant became available. This may occur with the next grants of 3 and 4 million, expected to pass late on the 25th and early on the 28th. It is important we meet demand for NuBits consistently, both to maximize sales and to ensure peg quality. If the grant turns out not to be needed immediately, that won’t be a problem. The funds are secure, off exchange, and protected by excellent multisig signers.

Custodial Grant Address: BcV9MTR2oSbh4KrgXk1r7iSrjmRJ5nWbuc
Custodial Grant Amount: 5000000


Supporting this grant.

This passed.